Category Archives: News



More Down at Download news

I guess it’s a good day for Down fans this miserable Monday morning, with this being the second post in a row on Down.

The band played the UK’s Download festival over the weekend, and a video interview with Kirk Windstein and Jimmy Bower can be found above.

Not much else to say, Blabbermouth managed to turn this news into an entire essay, I on the other hand cannot be fucked, so just press play. What I will say though, is I was lucky to see Down at Download 2009 and they kicked ass, so I’m willing to bet Download festival goers this year had a great time. If only Linkin Park didn’t headline… Or Def Leppard… Or System of a Down… Or… Nevermind.


Walk on Down to Download

Look at that headline, I’m a freaking genius! Actually, I suck, I just constructed a meaningless sentence out of the 3 important factors of this post. You can’t even walk on down to Download, because the festival finished last night.

Those 3 important factors are that Down performed a little teaser of Pantera‘s ‘Walk’ at the UK’s Download festival this past weekend. Not really news, but I love Down, I love Pantera, and as a reader of Dose of Metal, I’m sure you’re the same. Watch a clip of the performance above.


R.I.P. Seth Putnam

A bit late with this, but wanted to finish posting the day’s news so this could stay on top for a while…

Seth Putnam of Anal Cunt passed away yesterday (June 11)  after a heart attack. He was only 43 years old.

I want to remind everyone that no matter how outrageous and controversial his musical career has been, Seth was still a human being with friends and family that loved him. I’m hoping that the Internet will remember that. This is a very sad and trying time for those that knew him, and the last thing they need to see is an outpouring of message board hate. The man lived and died by his own rules; if anything, respect him for that.

Kim Kelly, Anal Cunt’s publicist.

Not much left to say than condolences to his family, friends and fans.

R.I.P. Seth Putnam (1968-2011)


Slayer is too metal. Technology can’t keep up.

The only thing more metal than Slayer is Dose Of Metal. And we love Slayer, so it’s a vicious circle of metal badassery that just fucks your shit up and makes your year be awesome.

Now the sentence above may not make sense at all, and I get that, I didn’t do too well in school… But the point is… Slayer is metal, and no device in the world is able to cope with that.

With that in mind, is it really a surprise that their P.A. went out during a Brazilian gig, while playing War Ensemble? No it isn’t. How much metal can one P.A. really handle?

Fortunately for the crowd, Tom Araya isn’t Justin Bieber or Ashlee Simpson, so instead of crying like a little bitch, he just kept rocking and helping the crowd sing the rest. This band rules. If you disagree, you fail at life.

Vid under the cut.


Phil Anselmo is really famous

Phil Anselmo was in Pantera. That is enough credibility in the metal community to get you godlike status. It’s no surprise that other musicians get excited when they meet him.

When Mike Martin of All That Remains met him, however, he acted like a little girl (his words, not mine) and maybe that’s a bit much…

I’m like a giddy little girl still from just taking a picture with him. I was so excited. I’ve been paying attention to that guy since I was ten years old, so just to see him standing ten feet away from him, I was [in awe]. He was really cool; he was like, ‘Let’s have a beer after.’ I was like, ‘OK. I’ll be back.’ So I’m gonna be that guy later on, ‘Remember, you said you’d have a beer.’

Watch interview after the jump.

I do know what he means. I also met a band I’ve been listening to since I was a small kid and it was a bit surreal seeing them in flesh and bones, shaking my hand and talking to me. It is weird and exciting at the same time. Little giddy school girl I was not, though… At least I’m saying this now to seem manly.

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