Category Archives: News



No more albums from Tommy Lee

Apparently Tommy Lee (of Mötley Crüe, Methods of Mayhem and the Pam and Tommy sex tape) will not be releasing any full albums from now on. Like you, reading that line made me jump up and down in innocent happiness. Unfortunately I read the rest of his quote and realized he’ll still release new music, just one at a time:

To tell you the truth, I think the days of making a record, for me personally, are over. After this last [Methods of Mayhem] record I did I’ll never make another full record, I think. It’s a waste of time, ’cause people can only ingest a song at a time, so why not make bitching songs at a time and release them? If you want to call them singles, great, whatever; or at its maximum, an EP, four songs, done, boom. I just really feel like the days of the entire record are long gone.

Read full interview here.

I could keep making fun of Tommy Lee and his bands but you know, he may have something there. Wouldn’t it be cool if bands, instead of releasing an album every few years, released a few songs per year? This way they’d get instant feedback and know where to go with the next track, and maybe after 2 years they can compile those songs with artwork and sell them as albums for the fans.

It wouldn’t be half bad in this era of music sales going down the drain. I’d honestly embrace it, although I was born in the 80s so to me, the joy of buying a full album will always be something special.

Plus it’d be much easier reviewing one song instead of 12. I’m lazy.


Friday headlines: Video interviews

We’ve got some awesome headlines for you today. And by awesome I mean shitty because they’re video interviews with bands I don’t like so I get two senses invaded instead of just one… You get the idea. But maybe some of you care, so here they are:

Korn (pictured above, unfortunately) got interviewed at one of the biggest European festivals: Rock Am Ring. It’s a video interview and you can see it after the jump, but please don’t, because nu-metal is evil.

Hell also got interviewed (also after the jump) and isn’t the name fitting? That’s exactly where I’d rather be instead of watching a Korn interview or music video.

Dio Disciples bassist James Lomenzo (he was also in Megadeth, so bitches better recognize) gave an interview on ‘The Blairing Out With Eric Blair Show’ and boy is that a stupid name for a show. Almost as stupid as ‘Alexing out with Alex Show’ and I just made that name up on the spot, so go figure how much time it took Mr. Blair with his own. Anyway, the chat is also after ‘The Jumping out with Alex of Dose of Metal MAKE THE JUMP show.’

Another bassist got interviewed, yo. This time it’s none other than Billy Sheehan (who?) of Mr. Big (who?). It happened at the M3 Festival (what?) and it’s also after the jump (yeah!) — I just realized I made this line sound like Limp Bizkit lyrics.

And finally (thank God), Symphony X guitarist Michael Romeo also gave an interview. What do you know, it’s a trend today. By now, you prolly realized it’s after the jump so all that’s left for me to do is tell you what he says in the interview, right? Wrong, I don’t care, so figure it out for yourself.

So there you have it. Make the jump and see five pointless interviews if you have nothing better to do on a Friday.


Happy Dream Theater

So last week we were nice enough to tell you how happy Mark Hunter, of Chimaira, is, and this week we’re nice enough to tell you that Dream Theater are also happy. At least according to Blabbermouth. In fact, apparently they’re really happy.

Wow, isn’t that nice? Chimaira are happy, Dream Theater are happy, everyone is happy. Well, except me, since I have no blowjob, no girlfriend and I’m still living in my parent’s basement.

By now you’re probably wondering what the news story is, and the answer is, I actually don’t care. Apologies. I haven’t even read the news story, but here’s my guess: The band are super happy without Mike and recording of the new album is going great. Am I right?



Clever title right? Ok, no, it sucks right? Oh well, I’m sure I’ll live. I won’t cry myself to sleep, I promise.

So what’s the story about? Well, it seems Devildriver have begun recording a cover of Metallica‘s ‘Holier Than Thou’ for a 20th-anniversary tribute to The Black album. Video footage from the sessions can be viewed by clicking the link, courtesy of Blabbermouth, who in turn probably borrowed it from the band.


Judas Priest have no plans for retirement

Judas Priest could settle down, get a nice little cottage in the English countryside, drink cups of tea and enjoy a nice little retirement (that’s probably what K.K. Downing is doing right now). But nope, that’s not in their plans, instead they’re going to stay fucking Metal apparently (not literally fucking metal, that would be painful of course, I just mean they’re staying as an active Metal band).

But we all already knew this right? I mean we’ve already covered the controversies of the band’s “Farewell Tour” in which the band aren’t actually saying farewell as such, they’re just fucking with semantics (again, not literally fucking. That would be impossible).

So yeah, I didn’t actually read the story, I just made this post purely from seeing the headline over at Blabbermouth. I’m not even joking. If you care though, why not head over there and read the story yourself? It might contain something interesting I missed because I’m a lazy bastard.

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