Category Archives: News



Devin Townsend is nice

The Devin Townsend Project have released two brand new tracks from the two forthcoming albums, for you to download for free! That’s right, they won’t cost you a cent. Mad genius Devin Townsend isn’t daft though, because to get the two tracks you’ll have to do some “connect” crap with Facebook and Twitter before you get the links.

Are the two tracks any good? I have no fucking idea, because I’m just too damn lazy to go through all that to get the links. If you’re not lazy, congratulations – how’s that working out for you? But yeah, here’s the link.

Devin Townsend will release Deconstruction” and Ghost — the third and fourth in a series of albums to be made available under Devin Townsend Project moniker — on June 21 (one day earlier internationally) via InsideOut Music. I totally borrowed this from Blabbermouth BTW.


What do you get if you cross a transvestite, a disease, and extreme horror?

… The answer my friends, is no, not Lady Gaga, but in fact a brand new extreme Metal band Temple of the Black Moon. According to Blabbermouth, members of Cradle of Filth, Anthrax, and Gorgoroth have joined forces to create this new super group.

Temple of the Black Moon comprise of Dani Filth (CoF), Rob Caggiano (Anthrax), King (ex Gorgoroth) and John Tempesta (formally of White Zombie – and I totally should have slipped a zombie in that title now I think about it). An album release and subsequent live dates are expected to happen around mid-2012, which also coincides with the supposed end of the world. Coincidence?


Not much remains

All That Remains

It is with sad heart I have to inform you that All That Remains are no longer amongst us. The metal community is invited for a moment of silence, as the band announce their tour dates supporting non other than Hollywood Undead on their summer tour. Not that All That Remains are the be all-end all of metal so we feel like we’re suffering a horrible loss, still it’s pretty fucking lame.

In case you don’t know, Hollywood Undead are those clowns (literally) that make nu metal of 10-years-ago seem like a the next best thing to come after renaissance and/or blow up dolls. You can check the tour dates here and know which cities to avoid this summer.


How many times can you cover Walk This Way?

I like ‘Walk This Way,’ I think it’s a good song. But haven’t Aerosmith done enough damage with their Run DMC cover, that gave people the okay to mix rock with hip-hop? Just how many times are we planning to cover this song?

Apparently, many many more times…

Jedward and their quiffs show no signs of flopping. They are in talks for their biggest collaboration yet – with Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler on a new version of the rockers’ 70s hit Walk This Way.

Read full article here and try not to laugh at that photo.

If you don’t know who Jedward are, good. Neither do we. But the prospect of yet another silly cover of this classic song makes me puke in my mouth. Hopefully it’s just a silly rumor.



Sepultura is not reuniting, mmkay?

Sepultura frontman Derrick Green just squashed some barely-existent rumors about his band reuniting with Max Cavalera (which would mean replacing Derrick, ouch).

That’s all they are, rumors. I mean nobody has contact with [Max] or anyone in his band. And he’s doing his own thing. The reunion, I think, is with his brother [Igor]. I’m happy to see Igor with his family again. It was 10 years that they didn’t speak. I think for the people that really wanted the reunion, there it is. They can go see them and check that out and be happy because I know that we are happy in what we’re doing and we keep pushing forward and we keep doing what we love to do and we’re always going to represent Sepultura in a positive manner because it’s truly what we believe in.

Read full interview here.

Woah, settle down there Derrick. I know you’re not happy hearing about being replaced all the time but no need to get so defensive about it.

I’m kidding, I really think he answered that question with a lot of tact since I can name about 10 other frontmen who would have slammed the hell out of Max just to answer this question. But I do think a Cavalera-heavy Sepultura album is just a few good paychecks away.

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