Category Archives: News



Headlines! Headlines!! Headlines!!!

So here are today’s headlines, you lucky bunch.

California lolcore deathcore band Suicide Silence were recently interviewed at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards. The video can be viewed here.  What did they talk about?  I have no clue.  I don’t care either way, I’m too busy eating Cadbury Mini Eggs and watching this clip over and over.

Kunvuk released their their debut, ‘Immute:Jackals‘, on September 16th/2010.  I guess no one bought it, so they decided to give the album out for FREE!  It seems like a new trend these days, where unknown bands are releasing full albums for nothing.  It makes sense, since touring is how metal bands make money these days.  Let’s hope people that will download this, will also end up at one of their shows.

Steve “Lips” Kudlow from Anvil recently admit that the band finally are making money for the first time in 30 years

What has essentially happened is that I no longer work my day job. I’m making my ends meet from the band. Am I making more? I don’t know, probably. But it’s not like I’m buying a limousine. I’m existing and not having to worry about going to a job. And that’s great; I’ve worked 30 years to get there.

Good for them.   My only issue is Lips complaining over and over in the documentary about “not making” it.  I mean, that stuff happens all the time in the business. A lot of times, good bands never get notice, ever – sometimes you get lucky.  That’s life in the metal world.  By the way, in case you missed it a few days ago, you can hear a new song from Anvil here.

As usual, Max Cavalera is hoping the original Sepultura lineup will one day reunite.  He didn’t exactly say it in those words, but it’s rather obvious he wants the reunion when you read this interview, or any Max Cavalera interview over the last ten years.

And that’s it for today, make sure you stay tuned to Dose of Metal for your daily dose of awesomeness!


Chimaira will answer your questions


Earlier today, Chimaira, or whoever is left in the band nowadays, have posted a message on their Facebook page, urging fans to think of questions and send them to Apparently, the band will videotape themselves answering select questions, and include it on their upcoming DVD. Fun, right? Plus omg you can be on teh dvd.

Here are a few I came up with:

  • How lame was Chris leaving the band via email? Doesn’t he know real men do it via text message?
  • If Chimaira is a band but no one’s in it, does it make a sound?
  • Will you be changing your name to Chimaairath?
  • How awesome is Dose of Metal?


Drugs are good, mmkay?

Rock’s version of Paula Abdul, Steven Tyler, felt the need to share with the world that he did drugs with guitarist Joe Perry in 2008. Damn, Steven and his literally big mouth.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Tyler says he and Joe Perry did drugs together in 2008 after years of sobriety. Aerosmith had been working on a new album, which never developed. Tyler says Perry was so impaired by snorting prescription pills, he couldn’t even play his instrument. Tyler says he was no better — he couldn’t sing.

Read full article here.

Hey, look at the positive. He can also blame his effeminate weird clothing on drugs. It’s like a ‘get away with anything’ card, this substance abuse thing.

Anyway, isn’t he a household name now from that one karaoke show he’s on? Why is he talking about drugs? What about all the kids looking up to him? Listen, I drink a lot of beer, but it’s not like I talk about alcohol abuse like it’s a good thing… Oh wait, yes I do.



Kickass Machine Head album is kickass

Machine Head drummer Dave McClain talked about their new album in a recent interview. Gee, is he gonna hype it up?

We feel like we’ve got another kickass album on our hands and we can’t wait for everybody to hear it.

Read full article here.

What a surprise, it’s gonna kick major ass, huh? For once I’d like to hear some honesty from musicians, like “Yeah, the new album is gonna be safe, boring, predictable and 50% filler but buy it, because that’s what pays for our lifestyle” or something.

When asked if he’d ever risk his life to save Nakatomi Plaza, Dave McClain had no comment.


Are they evil?

Stupid post title puns aside, a clip of the Big Four performing “Am I Evil?” at their recent show in Indio, California has hit, and now, You decide which one’s more important, and more metal.

Back on topic, the video is sort of raw footage, but the sound is more than decent, so make sure you hit that play button. What else? O yeah, James had a little speech, celebrating all the other “big however many” bands that didn’t make it in the business as well as them, and of course, a whole lot of touchy feely stuff when the other bands get on stage. I almost shed a tear. But then again, I’m not 13, and I only cry when I have sex.

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