Category Archives: News
Cover your ears, close your eyes
…It’s headlines time!
Bret Michaels said that one day, Poison might make new music again. What does this mean? When will it happen? Should I be wearing ear plugs at all times, or just when I’m near a radio? This is the music equivalent of walking through a minefield.
Suicide Silence have revealed the title for their upcoming album. It will be called The Black Crown and is expected to feature 2343 breakdowns.
People behind the Grammy Awards have decided to trim down categories. There used to be Best Metal Performance and Best Hard Rock Performance categories, but now we’ll only have… Best Metal/Hard Rock Performance. Genius.
3 Inches of Blood have a new song out, while Five Finger Death Punch have an old member out… Out of the band apparently. Does that make them Four Finger Death Punch now? I’m just kidding, like I know how many people play in that band.
And last but not least, Dose of Metal got more awesome.
Ki$$ are going old $chool
Kiss have obviously run out of ideas here. They’ve tried Kiss branded condoms, toys, footballs, video games, clothing, dolls, and just about every type of money making scheme imaginable. Deciding that everything has been tried, the band have decided to go back into the studio to do what other bands have to do, i.e. write and record music. Well, according to Blabbermouth, the band have begun rehearsing for the new album.
Yeah ok, so I know they also released an album in 2009, and BTW, despite what Kiss fans will tell you, it was shit, but Kiss doing music is still fairly rare.
Shining release new song
Sweden’s Shining recently left their previous label, which held back the release of their 7th album ‘VII: Född Förlorare.’
And now that they’re signed to a new label (read the first link), they finally released the first song of their upcoming album and it’s called ‘Förtvivlan Min Arvedel’. Listen to it below. Personally, I like it, even though it’s much softer than their previous material and I was expecting something heavier.
Also, is it just me or does the acoustic part sound just like the acoustic part of ‘Yttligare Ett Steg Närmare Total Jävla Utfrysning’ off of ‘V: Halmstad’? Judge for yourself (The part I mean starts around 1:17 on this song and at around 3:26 on the song below).
Scott Columbus passed away
Sad news has surfaced in the metal world, unfortunately. Ex-Manowar drummer Scott Columbus died this past Monday at the age of 54.
With the exception of ‘Battle Hymns,‘ Scott Columbus drummed on every single Manowar album in the 80s. Scott left the band in 1990 but rejoined six years later to record the next three Manowar albums. He left in 2008 due to creative differences with bassist Joey DeMaio.
Manowar also just released a statement on their official website:
“With great sorrow we announce the passing of our brother Scott. A rare talent, equally a rare individual, a father, friend and a brother of metal All the great moments we spent together are burnished in our hearts and memories forever. We know he is in a good place and at peace. He will never be forgotten.”
Scott was a talented drummer, no question about it. He will be missed in the metal world. We at Dose Of Metal give our condolences.
Some headlines…
Chimaira (pictured above) lost their keyboardist. His name is Chris Spicuzza and I have no idea if he’s actually in the photo above or not. It says he’s also a programmer… I didn’t know metal bands needed coders.
August Burns Red (who?) set a title for their upcoming album. It’s called Leveler and it’s due on June 21st. Now, I don’t know about you, but if I were in that band, I’d release all my shit in August.
Trivium are also working on a new album. In fact, they’re almost finishing it. This is about as exciting as finding our you need an anus operation.
In Flames are also releasing something. For fuck’s sake, everyone’s releasing everything right now. Anyway, these guys are releasing a digital single on May 10th and if you’re anxious about it, blow me.
Alice In Chains will make a special concert announcement next week. It’s still ‘this week’ where I live so no point discussing this yet.