Category Archives: News



Their hips don’t lie

Bellydance Metal band Shakra release new album! Wooo… It’s called “Back on Track.”

Band name sounds like a famous pop star? Check.
Album name sounds like an AC/DC album? Check.

This band has it all.

Anyway, there’s a bunch of teasers, trailers and a release date, but you should know me well enough by now to know I’m not gonna post all that. Go here for more details, or make the jump to watch Shakra‘s hit song, “Waka Waka.”


Great way to end the weekend

I can’t think of a better way to end my weekend than by listening to Jonathan Davis. Honestly. It’s the best thing ever! (right next to inserting needles up my dick)

So this weekend kicks ass cause Mr. KoRn himself decided to upload some solo tracks. Ain’t that sweet?

If you’re like me and you fancy your ears bleeding on a Sunday evening, make the jump and listen to these wonderful songs. Or have some musical fucking integrity and completely skip this post.

For an added bonus, you can also read comments left by Korn fans. Expect a lot of thoughts on pickup trucks and Nascar.


Amon Amarth premiers new song

Professional journalism should be fairminded and you shouldn’t include your own opinion into articles but I say fuck that and I’ll go on record saying once again, if you don’t like Amon Amarth, you can kiss my ass. This band eats, shits and breaths metal. A while ago, we showed you the artwork for the upcoming album, including the tracklist. Today, we’re giving you the first song, ‘War of the Gods’.

I’m not going to act like this is exclusive because it’s all over YouTube and Full Metal Jackie premiered it but for those who don’t listen to FMJ’s show and/or search for new Amon Amarth songs on YouTube daily, this might be the first time you’re hearing this song. All I want to say is, we fucking own and so does Amon Amarth. Check out the song after the jump but keep in mind that it’s just a shitty rip from a podcast.


Bonded By Blood get new blood

Bonded By Blood are a promising thrash metal band from Pomona, California.  Front man Jose Barrales decided to leave the band at the end of 2010 and since then, they quickly replaced him with Mauro Gonzalez to finish the tour.  Apparently they’ve been killing it live the last couple months, so they decided it was fair that Mauro Gonzalez would be the permanent vocalist for the band.

Jerry Garcia, bassist for Bonded By Blood states:

We would like to formally announce that Mauro Gonzalez is now officially the new frontman for Bonded By Blood. He has shown great promise and dedication in the past few months and we have received great reviews from many old fans, new fans, and well-established musicians throughout our recent North American trek. We are very excited about our decision and we hope that you guys welcome him into the BBB family like we have! See you guys on the killing road real soon.

When asked for comment, Jose Barrales started singing the words to “Metal Command” from Exodus and then predicted he will replace Rob Dukes by the end of the year.


Joey Belladonna is a solo artist first

Joey Belladonna

…A man who has yet to learn what a comb is second, and the singer for Anthrax third.

We would usually go straight to making jokes and predictions of Anthrax losing their singer for the 5th time (in the past year), but we know that since the Big Four is (still) happening, Joey is most likely to stick around for the foreseeable future. He is using the opportunity of the band being busy with side projects to schedule a few solo dates.

It is still unclear if “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go” will make the set list, as requested by Scott Ian.

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