Category Archives: News
Judas Priest’s pants are on fire
No, I’m not talking about the results of the Vindaloo Rob Halford had last night, but instead some little “white lies” the band have told. Despite announcing a farewell tour a while back, Judas Priest have clarified on their website that this does not mean the end of the band at all, it merely means it will be the last big world tour they will do.
Wow, way to go and get everyone’s hopes up. We were all hoping this was the band finished, but in fact they’re actually working on new material as I speak (well type duh). Anyway, I’m joking of course. This is great news, no one wants to see Judas Priest end, especially as they’re literally made of Metal. Unlike Rob Halford‘s latest album, Made of Metal, which is just made of cheese judging from the cover. So, to sum up: You have a new Judas Priest album to look forward to, a “farewell” tour and the potential of more albums and shows in the future. Just no more big world tours. Not bad right?
Nice use of semantics there though. Calling it a farewell tour is sure to get them higher festival slots, more hype and more money. Clever.
Metal Trek
Fantastic news for “Trekkies” and not so much Metal fans this week. Star Trek actor, William Shatner will be covering Black Sabbath‘s Iron Man on his upcoming album, with Zakk Wylde providing the riffage.
I’ve got to be honest, I had no fucking idea that Shatner was recording an album. And I would have liked to keep it that way. Now my day is ruined. Want your day ruined too? Read more here.
Lars has an excuse
After waiting for an U.S. leg of The Big Four tour, fans are not pleased with the single California date. Lars has an excuse for that though. Here it is:
“Listen, we don’t wanna cram this down people’s throats. We don’t wanna sort of overstay the welcome, and we don’t know what kind of response there’s gonna be to this in America, so we’re starting, obviously, without being disrespectful to the rest of the wonderful country […] When the Coachella organizers asked us if we would come and play there the week after and they would leave the scaffolding up and all that business, it just seemed like a great way to kick this off in North America.“
So in case you Californians thought you were special or something, Lars clears it up. You aren’t. You’re just lucky people behind Coachella are willing to let them use their stage and stuff. Otherwise you’re just testing ground for the financial potential of this thing.
“If there is enough demand for it, obviously there’s a very strong possibility that there will be more shows, but we don’t wanna overextend the welcome and we also don’t wanna turn it into something that becomes this whole nostalgia trip“
Listen to the full interview here.
Translation: We don’t know if this Big Four tour is gonna do well in America, so we’re using Coachella’s sloppy seconds to test that. If that’s good, we’ll do more dates.
Wasn’t that just easier to say?
Devin Townsend: Free live EP to come next week
This is the last time I’m using descriptive post titles. Why? Because there’s nothing left for me to write now. Well, they say repetition is the mother of learning:
Sometimes next week, Devin Townsend is going to release a downloadable EP on Century Media’s website, according to a tweet he made earlier.
Mark your calendars. How, you might ask? Well, I don’t know, we suggest you mark each day as “Dose of Metal is awesome,” that will remind you to check the website. We can’t promise we’ll remember to report if it’s out or not, though.
1/2 of Big Four do bass clinics
The other David in Megadeth (you know, the nice one) is joining forces with Anthrax‘s Frank Bello for two Hartke bass clinics. What are bass clinics? We don’t know either.
Anyway, they will happen later next month (25th and 26th) in New York and Boston. The first one is free, the second one isn’t. But hey, you can win some shit, so why not? One of the prizes… The Big Four DVD… Hmm, I wonder who they got the idea from? Hint hint.
So everyone associated with The Big Four is busy nowadays, huh? That’s good to know… Someone needs to show the world music used to be done with real instruments, not with Macbooks.
We stole got this news from Blabbermouth, so go here for more details. We also stole got the poster, make the jump to see it.