Category Archives: News
Six Feet Under release preview for DVD
Six Feet Under are going to release the DVD ‘Wake the Night! Live in Germany’ on January 31 in Europe, February 1 in North America. German Death Metal fans can buy the DVD 3 days earlier than the rest of Europe though. Why? Because Germany rules and SFU loves us. I’m still German, for those who didn’t know.
None other than Dusty Peterson, who helped us write yesterday’s Top 10, did the artwork for said DVD. He also did the artwork for Six Feet Under’s latest ‘Graveyard Classics,’ number III that is.
Now, on with the news. Chris Barnes and Co. released a preview of their DVD, the performance of ‘Victim of the Paranoid’. Check it out after the jump and don’t be a fucking victim, be a fucking killer.
Hey girls, Piggy D. has something for you
Usually I’d insert a joke about something in his pants, but this time, it’s literally about his pants.
Rob Zombie bassist Matt Montgomery (a.k.a. Piggy D.) is selling his one-of-a-kind, hand-detailed pants worn on stage during the Ozzy Osbourne/Rob Zombie tour in 2007/2008 via eBay. The auction ends January 27. The base garment is a pair of black stretch jeans, in a women’s size 3. A very slim fit, but this is one of the few pieces of stage clothes left over that are still wearable. They were hand-sewn and studded by Piggy himself. This is an extremely rare piece that can be signed and personalized at the winner’s request.
So if you have a thing for a pair of jeans fit for women some guy used to sweat in for an hour and a half, go to eBay now, and make the jump to check them out:
Avenged Sevenfold’s new drummer revealed
The news that are interesting probably just to the drummer himself, because touring with Avenged Sevenfold will surely increase his income (that’s why Mike Portnoy was sad when he left and tried to go back to his old buddies in Dream Theater), are out! I’m so excited, because my new porn film just finished downloading and I can watch it after I finish writing this article.
It’s none other than… Arin Ilejay! Oh my god, really?! Oh, wait… Who?
Smashing EPs
Well, guess what I just saw? No, not a hot naked chick waving at me from the window across the street. How awesome would that be? Not nearly as cool, but if you get a hard-on for 90’s alternative music, and a “band” who is struggling to prove they’re legit, you’re in for a treat.
The Smashing Pumpkins have completed their second EP (out of eleven), Teargarden by Kaleidyscope Vol. II: The Solstice Bare, comprising of songs they release for free on the internet every few weeks or months. The 11 volumes will eventually form the 44 track Teargarden by Kaleidyscope (Hi, Captain Obvious speaking).
Their business model is as follows: you release songs for free, and each time you collect four, you rearrange the order of them, slap them on CD, charge them at full album price, and sell them. Genius. Each EP is does come in with a pretty unique and nice package, and is limited. You can download the songs and see details on EPs on their website, and you can make the jump to see what they look like in physical form.
Creed saves
It has finally been proven. Creed’s music doesn’t scare just people. It also works on animals.
According to Spiegel Online, a 13-year-old Norwegian boy avoided being attacked by wolves by playing a song by Creed on his mobile phone. (Note: It was previously erroneously reported that the track in question was from the band Megadeth.)
Four wolves, who appeared before the boy when he was returning home from school, were scared away by the noise coming from the boy’s mobile phone, the music web portal reported on Thursday.
Poor wolves. Read more of this story here, than make the jump, listen to the song, and find an mp3 of it to transfer to your phone. Who knows when it might come in handy.