Category Archives: News
No statue of Lemmy, LOLZ
Apparently 318 people from Lemmy and Slash‘s city of birth signed a petition to erect (hehe, erect) statues of the two rockstars. Surprise surprise, it didn’t work.
“I think this idea is a complete waste of time and effort, and the petition was the wrong way for this to be brought to us“ said the city’s labor councilor
“It’s actually quite selfish to focus on these two specific artists and I think there should be a more diverse monument to the range of that this city has produced.“
Read full article here.
Can you blame them? Think about it… Donatello and Michelangelo are dead, so who has enough talent to take on the daunting task of sculpting Lemmy’s face with all its… details?
Old freak on a leash
Jonathan Davis, the nu-metal version of Tobias Fünke, turned 40 today. Ah, he’s all grown up now. Seems like only yesterday he was on MTV, brainwashing little kids into thinking Korn are actually metal.
Well, happy birthday Mr. Davis. Have a good one. Thanks for founding one of the best genres out there and here’s to another 40 years of musical genius.
Make the jump for a video summary of his career and legacy.
Bury your vocalist
Bury Your Dead, who were on hiatus starting from April this year, have started work on their new album with their previous frontman, Mat Bruso. What does this mean? That I was too confused to pick a picture with of the entire band and went with the drummer? That reunions are now happening in a few months time?
Yes, but it also means that there’s no room for Myke Terry, the “current” vocalist. Anthrax-worthy singer juggling. Myke is now focusing on his solo project which you can check out on his website, and you can read more info about this drama here.
The reunited Soundgarden are really hard at work. Fresh off their latest new-old, but mostly old album “The Telephantasm,” comes the new-old, first ever live album, “Live on I5.” Even this is sort of a rip off, because the album will feature recordings from their 1996 tour. “Sort of” because let’s face it, the band were at their prime back then, so it’s most likely better than anything they can pull off nowadays.
What does the future hold for this band? I see a remix album produced by Timbaland. But even that wouldn’t be anything new.
Slash and Axl sitting in a tree…
Is Slash trying to get back in Guns N’ Roses? Cause it sure looks like it.
“We may have had our differences and this and that and the other, but I will never undermine the fact that I thought Guns N’ Roses, when it was originally together, was one of the best rock bands, and Axl has always in my mind been one of the best frontmen/lyricists in rock and roll, period. […] I had a Top 5, Axl would be in there. And John Lennon…“
Read full interview here.
O RLY?? Wasn’t Slash hating Axl‘s guts a few years ago, now he’s giving him compliments left and right? Is he trying to get back into GNR, cause it sure looks this way, from where I’m standing. Granted, I’m currently sitting on the toilet, so I’m not technically standing, but you know what I mean.