Category Archives: News



Dave Mustaine zooms in

There’s not much to being Dave Mustaine. All you have to do is pretend the ‘spider chord’ is hard to pull off, take your fans and success for granted and just complain about Metallica. But now you can take it up a notch and buy his signature Zoom pedal.

“Mustaine and Zoom introduced the all-new G2.1DM guitar effects pedal at a press conference on Saturday (January 15) at this year’s winter NAMM show.

‘This pedal is built for action,’ declares Mustaine. ‘With my personal sound effects and a large expression pedal modeled after the accelerator of one of my favorite sports cars onboard, the G2.1DM leaves all contenders at the starting line.’

Read full article here. Video after the jump.

I’ve had this Zoom pedal for ages, it’s served me well. I also have a Zoom recorder which is pretty great. My friend would always tease me about Zoom products though. He’s a Megadeth fan… Can’t wait to laugh at him now…


Trent wins Golden Globe

If you had any doubts about Hollywood’s appreciation of talent, they will be shattered right now. Trent just won the Golden Globe for best soundtrack.

I mean, not that the Golden Globes were ever too trustworthy,  you can take out the judges to wine, dine and bribe them, so obviously everyone behind The Social Network did a great campaign since they won everything, but still, this guy should be winning Nintendo’s Retro SNES Soundtrack awards or something.

Don’t get me wrong, The Social Network was a decent flick and I am a big David Fincher fan, it’s just annoying seeing all his other great films get snubbed and this pretty average film get all the praise. I’m happy any time I see Fincher winning awards for his work, I just wish he’d win them for movies like Fight Club. Now THAT was a good film… With a good soundtrack.


Chickenfoot Chad talks cymbals

Drummer for the not-so-super supergroup Chickenfoot and Red Hot Chili Peppers, Chad Smith, recently sat down with Drum! Magazine at NAMM to discuss cymbals or something. In particular he talks about the “Holy China” cymbal he developed with Sabian.

It’s interesting stuff really. No, I’m kidding, it really isn’t. With all the recent talks with musicians about their guitars at NAMM, I imagine this is a little like the group of jocks at High School who would discuss their latest hot cheerleader conquests, and then some dork butts into the conversation to discuss the amazing wank he had the other night over the pink Power Ranger.

Read more here.


Ellefson rhymes with Jackson

I don’t know about you guys, but I really like David Ellefson. He just seems like the total opposite of Dave Mustaine and yes, that is a compliment. On the Big Four DVD, the backstage stuff, he was the only one that genuinely seemed excited to be playing a gig and be part of a music festival, the other guys from all four bands just seemed like it’s another day at the office.

News is slow over the weekend so I’m gonna post an interview with David from NAMM. He talks about his signature Jackson bass guitars.

Now I’m not a big fan of Jackson in general, but these basses look sweet. If you squint at the picture above, it almost looks like a normal guitar. I always loved basses like that, and the headstock is just pure badassery, if you ask me.

Make the jump for the interview.


DJ N’ Chats

Ever wanted to chat to DJ Ashba?

Right now 99% of you reading this post will be thinking “who?..”

If you’re one of those 99% of people, congratulations, you’re officially as cool as me, and 99.9% of people in the world. If you know the answer, you probably like bands consisting of ginger egomaniacs and puppets a little too much, but I won’t judge you for it. I’m all for equality, because people with bad taste have rights too.

Anyways, DJ Ashba is the “Guns N’ Roses” guitarist. Well, he’s the GNR guitarist to Axl Rose and about 10 other people (which coincidently is about the same number of people that are in GNR these days). To everyone else, he’s “who?…”

Oh right, the chat right? You thought I’d just ranted for a whole post and forgot the actual story didn’t you? Well, forgotten, no. It’s more that I actually couldn’t care less. You really want to know the details though don’t you? Click here then.

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