Category Archives: News
Blood Red Throne give updates
Are you a fan of Blood Red Throne (and if the answer to that is no, why not?) and excited for some major exclusive updates? Then sorry to disappoint you, and sorry to get your hopes up, but the band do indeed have, at least, some words for 2011.
The band toured a lot last year (apparently with Dimmu Borgir for some reason, and Enslaved) and Blood Red Throne have mentioned how great this was for them, but also discuss their plans for 2011, which can be read below.
“As for 2011, Død has written five new killer tunes for an upcoming album. We’re returning to Mexico the first weekend in June, playing a festival with Sepultura. In August, we’re playing with Morbid Angel, Vader, Gorguts and Nevermore at the Brutal Assault Festival!”
More information can be found here.
Can’t get enough of Linkin Park?
Then you’ll be happy to read this — the band is teaming up with a group of “official bootleggers,” to bring you their live experience™ directly after the show.
Rockers Linkin Park have teamed up with a group of official bootleggers to make sure fans attending their upcoming shows get a live recording of the concert – for free.
The complimentary download of will be available to fans who simply send a text message to a short code displayed at each venue. A link will then be emailed to them following the concert.
“Official bootleg.” That sounds wrong to me, like “Rockers Linkin Park,” or “Linkin Park the band.” But, hopefully more bands pick this up so we get less people with their phones making unusable recordings and me getting annoyed by it. See an example after the jump (warning: you’re about to get a dose of Linkin Park’s Live Experience™).
Def Leppard are going on tour
According to Blabbermouth, Def Leppard might be going on a two-month tour with Heart and Kansas. Or are they doing the tour in Kansas? Fuck it if I know.
Well, on one hand, I don’t really care, but on the other hand… Well, there’s no other hand.
Lemmy likes the penny
There’s a beer commercial featuring Mötorhead playing a slowed down version of “Ace of Spades.” Why did they do it?
“We got paid a lot of money” said Lemmy.
Wow, what a surprise. And here I was thinking you just did it for the fans, cause they like beer. At least he’s honest about it.
Make the jump to see the ad.
Chester has an opinion.
Every time a tragedy occurs, you get an onslaught of celebrities commenting on the event in the press, as if anyone really cares what they think.
To be fair to Chester Bennington, he’s not a celebrity, so his commenting on the recent Arizona shooting makes sense. Especially since he’s also from Arizona, so, you know, he must ‘get’ it.
“We live in a crazy world. There’s no explanation for it. I personally feel that violence and war and murder are primitive, and I think that we’ve evolved as a species beyond that. Unfortunately some people still feel that’s a means to an end”
Read full interview here.
I’d take Chester a bit more seriously if he didn’t have two huge earrings with the symbol of death on them. Or if he wasn’t responsible for either this, this, this or this. But I know what he means.
When asked if he’d make an exception and get primitive on Mike Shinoda’s ass for turning Linkin Park into Daft Punk, Chester had no comment.