Category Archives: News



Trent Reznor is ruining another film

I don’t know about you guys, but watching ‘The Social Network‘ with Trent‘s soundtrack felt like trying to watch a movie with someone blasting NIN next door. So you can see why I’m so excited to report that he is scoring yet another film.

Trent Reznor revealed in a streaming video interview with The New York Times that he is composing the score for “The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo”, the American film version of the best-selling thriller about an underground computer hacker teaming with a journalist to investigate a dark conspiracy. The director of the movie is David Fincher.”

Watch interview after the jump.

I have an idea. Trent should just score every movie that comes out. Or they could come out without a soundtrack and you just take your iPod in the cinema and blast some NIN. It all sounds the fucking same, anyway.


Corey Taylor can fix the industry

Ever wondered why the music industry is going down the tubes? Well, Corey has an answer in the latest issue of Kerrang:

A lot of people in the industry want to blame downloading for the state of [the music business], but I think that if most music wasn’t shit to begin with people wouldn’t be downloading this stuff for free

Read full article here.

So I guess what Corey is saying that people are downloading Slipknot and Stone Sour cause they wouldn’t buy that kind of music. I agree with that.

Make the jump to see him on the cover.


Apocalyptica set the record straight

A couple of days ago, a German website called leaked information about the trademark infringement case involving Apocalyptica and Rammstein. The website claimed that Rammstein sued Apocalyptica and the latter were ordered to pay 45,000€ (about $59,000) to Rammstein.

Apocalyptica now issued a statement regarding the leak and the case;

“The article’s headline is substantially wrong: neither the band Apocalyptica nor their management are or were involved in the described lawsuit. However, the parties involved are the band Rammstein and Sony Music Entertainment GmbH, as the successor of the by now-defunct affiliated label GUN Records.

It is correct that GUN Records published advertisements with the stated endorsement disregarding existing agreements, and the band Rammstein subsequently filed a lawsuit against Sony Music Entertainment GmbH as the parent company. It is furthermore correct that Sony Music Entertainment GmbH and Rammstein have agreed on a settlement, the details of which, however, are unknown to Apocalyptica and Halbe Miete Management. We ask that further articles on the topic correctly reproduce the facts.”

Well, alright. I didn’t care 3 days ago and I don’t care today either.


Staind get in your face

Staind, the musical equivalent of the ‘Leave Britney Alone‘ video, promised fans a heavy and ‘in your face’ album.

Oh it’s heavy. It’s heavy said Aaron Lewis while lifting his gut. We are steering clear of any ideas that come out of us that might be of the more poppy or mellow nature, and we’re concentrating on this being a very in-your-face and heavy record.

Full interview here.

First of all, HAHAHAHA… Staind… Heavy? I’ve heard heavier song from Miley Cyrus…
Secondly… Staind album? What is this, 1999?

Make the jump to watch Aaron Lewis get ‘in your face’ with a country song.


GNR bassist goes solo

Alleged Guns N’ Roses bassist, Tommy Stinson (Also Known as; who is that guy, and what has he done with Duff Mckagan?) has announced some solo dates.

Because everyone always wants to see the bassist go solo, right? This is quite interesting GNR, but unfortunately it just doesn’t compete with Slipknot’s DJ going solo. Now that’s the kind of interesting shit we want to hear.

One Man Mutiny, a brand new track from Tommy Stinson, is available for free download on his official web site. I’m going to assume he doesn’t just play bass then? Because that would be rather boring… I would download the song to find out, but I have a data limit, and if it’s a choice between pr0n and a Tommy Stinson solo song, then pr0n wins I’m afraid.

The dates can be found after the jump. Do youself a favor, and don’t bother looking.

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