Category Archives: News
Metallica photo exhibition
In case you’re one of the 4 people of this world without constant internet access, you might be interested in a photo exhibition happening in London. Yes, actual photos in a gallery, not on Flickr. I know, right? Fucking cavemen.
“Titled “Fade To Black: Metallica By Bill Hale”, it chronicles the band in their early years, photographed by Hale between 1982 and 1984. This includes the lineup featuring Dave Mustaine and Ron McGovney, the first gig with Cliff Burton, the last show in the Bay Area with Mustaine and Kirk Hammett‘s live debut in San Francisco. The exhibition runs from February 3 to April 3.“
More info here.
Damn, Metallica aren’t the only ones to cash in on the name Metallica. It seems whoever was even remotely involved with these guys can open up an exhibition or release a book about them.
Muse plan great gig in the sky
British rockers, Muse, have revealed plans for a great gig in the sky. Well, just replace “great” with shit, and “the sky” with space. Yes, you read that correctly, as if Muse couldn’t get any more pretentious, the band are planning a gig in outer space.
According to The Guardian, the trio have discussed approaching Richard Branson to see if they could do it on his spacecraft. The Guardian goes on to say that the band would be following in the footsteps of Korn, who plotted a gig in an airplane, and Fall Out Boy, who aimed to perform in Antarctica, claiming only one of them was successful.
Korn? Fall Out Boy? Muse? Lol.
Korpiklaani ¡Ay, caramba!
In keeping with Korpiklaani’s gimmick of providing metalheads with music to drink to, I’m just going to say ‘Vodka,’ they released the first video of the upcoming album ‘Ukon Wacka,’ entitled ‘Tequila’.
What does the song sound like? Well, typical Korpiklaani Folk Metal. It doesn’t break any new grounds but it’s good for what it is, a drinking song. Check out the video after the jump.
Sin Quirin is peeing bricks
Sin Quirin, of Ministry fame, has a delicate problem. He is literally peeing bricks.
“I was taken to the hospital on January 1 at around 5 a.m. I had excruciating lower left abdominal pain. It was the worst pain EVER. Long story short, it was kidney stones… I’m feeling better now. I just hope they dissolve ’cause I don’t want to go through that EVER AGAIN“ said Sin while playing rock paper scissors (with actual rocks)
‘It’s raining stones… Hallelujah!’ is the joke I’d do if I was an asshole. But I’m a nice guy, so get well soon Sin!
Slash does horror films now
Like we didn’t have enough bad horror films, Slash is doing his own now. His production company? Slasher Films, of course.
Expect helicopter shots of the killer doing a guitar solo near a church in all the films.
Make the jump to watch an interview of him talking about this and other stuff, if you care… And you shouldn’t…