Category Archives: News



Lamb of God’s new video is out

Three Lamb of God news articles in three days? #megaconspiracy

Unlike the last two which were based on the whole SOAP thing (take a bath, you filthy metalheads), this one is actually about music and it somehow slipped by me.

Either way, the video is for Ghost Walking, and it can be seen if you click that big play button above. It’s supposed to be animated and all sorts of awesome, but it’s not available in my country so I couldn’t really tell.


Dez Fafara and Randy Blythe speak out on piracy

Dez Fafara (Devildriver)

We’ve kind of touched on this on Wednesday, and here we go again. As you know, Megaupload has been shut down last night, which got a lot of people upset because they lost their favorite place to share “large family photo albums” with their friends, which really fucking annoys me. It’s people like those that risk the whole structure of the internet because they lost their favorite place to get free shit from, and their voices are the loudest. People who actually understand the full implications of SOPA and PIPA and whatever else there is will always get blamed of being thieves because of same people.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think extreme copyright is good for anyone. Imagine a situation where megacorporations (haha, mega) actually control everything on the internet. Imagine their greedy asses then. I can bet you $5 right now that this website would have probably never existed, because same companies would probably want to charge us for whatever shitty photo of a band or musician we put up on this website. Can’t post photos of their slaves. Imagine Garfield Minus Garfield in such a world. It would probably be called Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Garfield minus whatever else was in the original comic.

On the other hand, we’re in a situation where the average retard that can barely turn the computer knows how to find every new music album, TV show or movie for free. I don’t give a shit how entitled you feel, that ain’t right.

I could go on and on, and I could paint this picture in a thousand ways, it would probably always turn out grey. Corporations will always be too greedy, people will always find way to pirate stuff… I did however want to post thoughts of Randy Blythe (Lamb of God) and Dez Fafara (Devildriver), as well as Sumerian Records founder Ash Avildsen here because unlike you and me, they actually live on music, and their words have more merit than some douchebag who feels pissed off because he couldn’t leech the latest Twilight movie, and screams about how his internet rights have been stripped. Make the jump for a series of quotes taken from Twitter (and a statement by Avildsen), and thanks to ThePRP for doing my job and compiling them.


Nightwish held a secret gig


Nightwish have played a very secret gig. No one knows where it was (Key Club, West Hollywood), when it happened (Thursday night, January 19), how they pulled it off (by announcing the gig as performed by “Rubber Band of Wolves”).

God, I really wish I could know what went on there (see photo gallery here). Or at least which songs they played (check the setlist at Blabbermouth). I’m so sad (don’t forget to check out a massive collection of fan made videos from the show, also at Blabbermouth).

God, those sneaky bastards.


Streaming through

Bleeding Through are streaming a new song on YouTube, and I’m so nice I posted it above. It’s called Goodbye to Death (whaaat?) and it’s from their new album, The Great Fire, out January 31. Play it, crank the volume up, wait for your ears to start… bleeding while you’re straming. #lamepun


Korn performed at some Walmart thing; might co-headline Mayhem with Slipknot


I didn’t know Walmart had gone Yahoo! and shit, and now offers some web series to promote artists and in turn make money from album sales on their music store. Not saying anything bad about it, just pointing out  didn’t know about it. Also, I want to point out some metal news sites reported Korn were actually shooting a commercial for Walmart, and gloat over that. We at Dose of Metal would never do that (except I almost reported the news myself but felt too lazy to write about Korn).

The thing is called Walmart Soundcheck, and the band performed a few songs from their new album on it. Also, I should point out that Jonathan appears in his wubstep JDEVIL persona (with those creepy looking eye lenses and grills), which I thought was created to separate his solo stuff from the band. I guess it’s now safe to say that the band is nothing but a back up band to whatevs he’s doing at the moment. And he’s dubsteppin’, brah!

You can watch the (actually pretty good) performance of their classic Falling Away From Me and three new songs. If you really feel like it: click here!

The other news is still a rumor at this point, and being the quality journalist I am, I’m leaving it for the end and if I weren’t that lazy I’d also change the font to “smallprint” — there’s speculation that Korn and Slipknot might co-headline this years Mayhem fest. Will bring you confirmation when we get it.

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