Category Archives: News
Jon Bon Jovi is a politician
Have you noticed a pattern in the last few post? It’s all about musicians doing stuff they probably shouldn’t. Well, Jon Bon Jovi just blew the other guys out of the water — Obama himself appointed him to a new committee designed to get “citizens, non-profits, businesses and government to work more effectively together.” More from the news article:
Bon Jovi also will serve on the new advisory council on community solutions alongside representatives from Starbucks, eBay, Gap and Amnesty International.
I’m not sure what that means, but I think it has something to do with money. Because we’ve seen Bon Jovi is great with it. Who knows, maybe this time next year you’ll look back at this news and think “Remember when Jon Bon Jovi saved the US from recession?”
Trivium “write” 17 new songs
I had to put “write” in quotation marks for obvious reasons…
The marketing tool masked as a Metal band, Trivium, have announced they have 17 songs ready for their next album. No doubt they will follow the same formula as their last few albums. I.e. “if we rip-off a riff from 20 years ago, and do our best Hetfield impressions, no one will notice and Metallica fans will love us”
Yeah doesn’t quite work like that guys…
In case you care, more info can be found here.
Rob Zombie is a business man
A music star, a movie director, Zombie is a man of many talents. But I always felt like there was something missing. I wake up in the morning thinking, why isn’t there something Rob Zombie labeled that I can start my day with. His horrible music that I use as my alarm (because I need to get up and turn it off) simply wasn’t enough. Well, my prayers have been answered — He just released his own coffee brand.
Yes, coffee. Because apparently that’s how the Hollywood lifestyle works, first music, then movies, then coffee. Take note kids.
Make the jump to see what it looks like, click here to read more info.
Let’s get Corey Taylor to number 1!!!
Jinge bells, Slipknot smells, the Clown laid an egg…
Guys, listen up. We need to get Corey Taylor‘s Christmas song to number 1. I know, I know, it’s shit… But hear me out for a second.
“I’ve decided that if you get me to Christmas number 1, I will film myself swimming with sharks“ said Corey while holding an axe or whatever that is.
Video after the jump.
So think this through, guys. We get him to number 1 now, that could potentially mean no more Slipknot, Stone Sour or a million other side projects next year. Get it? I’ve watched enough Discovery Channel to know that sharks are mean so LET’S DO THIS!
Shocking: Dave Grohl is a movie star
Dave Grohl will be appearing in another film — apparently he has a cameo in the new Muppets feature where he replaces Animal on the drum set. Hm, first The Pick of Destiny, now The Muppets. Who knows, maybe in a few years, he scores a deal with Disney and appears as a singing animal in a Bambi sequel, Bambi 3D.
Seriously now, I did like him as Satan. Here’s what the news source had to say:
Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl will have a cameo appearance in the new Muppets film, reports that the singer-guitarist-drummer is going to sit in for usual Muppet drummer Animal, who will be out attending anger management courses.
Grohl won’t be the only guest star in the Muppets film, which is due next year. Lady Gaga, Jack Black and Jean-Claude Van Damme will also make cameos in the movie, which stars How I Met Your Mother‘s Jason Segel. The sitcom star also is co-writing the film.
Lady Gaga, Jason Segel? Thanks, I’ll pass.