Category Archives: News



Ozzy rates his own album

Legendary vocalist and Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne, recently revealed his top 10 albums of 2010. Being not biased, and completely modest, Ozzy didn’t include his own album in the top 10… Or rather, you wouldn’t think he would, but instead he only went and ranked his own album at the number one spot. Wow, the audacity of the man. But he did also include Korn in his list, so you can just dismiss his top 10 now.

Check out Ozzy‘s top 10 list after the jump if you’re interested (and you shouldn’t be).


Kataklysm have been going for 20 years already?

Who knew? I didn’t but Kataklysm indeed formed in 1991 so it’s almost 20 years.

As for the news part of this post, Kataklysm vocalist Maurizio Iacono recently talked about a 20 Years Anniversary Kataklysm DVD that they’re working on, plus some more stuff. Watch the video of this web episode after the jump.


Watch out for black ice

No, this is not a post about AC/DC, but about Ross the Boss, the band named after their guitarist/former Manowar guitarist Ross “the Boss” Friedman.

According to Blabbermouth, Ross the Boss vocalist Patrick Fuchs had a car accident on the German Autobahn near Kaiser Slautern. Well, it’s actually called Kaiserslautern but I can’t blame Blabbermouth because they’re not German. Or able to use Wikipedia. Whatever.

Anyhow, Fuchs remains hospitalized in serious condition with broken ribs and a punctured spleen. We, at Dose of Metal, wish him the best and a quick recovery.

Check out a picture of the car, after the crash, after the jump.


Jagermeister do music

You know, when I first heard that Jagermeister would be doing a US tour, I booked my ticket to the States straight away. And then I heard that this isn’t a ’round the US trip, involving drinking lots of Jagermeister and generally doing what I do best; getting incredibly drunk. No, this is actually a Metal tour. So I can hear you crying out now “what’s wrong with that Mark?” I mean you’d think that’s even better wouldn’t you? Well, Hellyeah are playing… Need I say anymore? So of course, I cancelled all my plans and just went to the pub instead.

Also on the bill are Buckcherry, All That Remains and The Damned Things. Dates after the jump.


Whitechapel announce UK tour

Fortunately Whitechapel have absolutely nothing to do with chapels, so if you’re a UK citizen, fear not, this is not an announcement of some Christian fellowship tour (hey, it is Christmas, it could happen). Unfortunately though, this is a deathcore tour. So you might have to avoid this one if you value your hearing and don’t want to witness hundreds of oily skinned, sweaty kids with straightened fringes break dancing in the middle of pits.

As always, dates and venues after the jump.

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