Category Archives: News
Ki$$ star in Family Guy
Believe it or not, Kiss and Family Guy both have a lot in common. Neither have been any good for about a million years, and hence why they’ve probably teamed up for a Christmas special.
Despite being posted on Blabbermouth, this isn’t actually news. A Very Special Family Guy Freakin’ Christmas actually first aired in 2001 in Season 3 (back when Family Guy didn’t suck so much – but unfortunately Kiss still did). If you never saw the episode though, or fancy watching it again , check it out on Cartoon Network tonight at 11:00 p.m. EST.
As you may know, killer-wart Lemmy and his Motörheads are going to release their 20th studio album, ‘The Wörld is Yours,’ in just a couple of days.
Now, I’m not sure if it leaked yet but if you haven’t illegally downloaded said album yet, you can hear samples of all the song on the German Amazon. You know the deal, scroll down and click the play buttons to hear the samples. If you didn’t know that already, turn off your computer right now and wait until the album is released on vinyl.
New Crimfall song
Crimfall, the guys who look like Final Fantasy characters, have a new song out, and you can stream it right here, after the jump. Ain’t that great? God, we just give, give, give…
The song is called “Frost Upon Their Graves,” which to me sounds like a Finnish euphemism for ‘cemetery.’
Dave Mustaine is sneaky
Dave Mustaine of Megadave is being subtle on Facebook.
“I just went through a couple weeks of hell arranging something special for you this summer. Stay tuned! Because we are going to be having some Big shows coming up.” paid Dave some kid to write on his official Facebook page.
Read it here.
People are, of course, speculating about a Big Four Tour in the U.S. Since the ‘big’ has a capital B in it, Dave might be hinting at that with subtlety. We wouldn’t be surprised considering how well the DVD sold. Oh btw, we’re also giving one away, motherfuckers, enter now before it’s too late.
New supergroup isn't super
Hank Von Helvete of Turbonegro is in a new supergroup. And by supergroup I mean mediocregroup. Together with Anders Odden of Satyricon, Tim Skold of Marilyn Manson, David Husvik of Extol and Audun Stegel of Apotygma Berzerk, the band is called Doctor Midnight And The Mercy Cult and will make their debut live show at the Slottsfjell Festival next year.
I hate the word ‘supergroup’ because most of the time these bands are anything but super. They’re just groups. I haven’t heard of half this lineup so how is this a supergroup?
Anyway, if you happen to be in Tønsberg, Norway next July between the 14th and 16th, check these guys out live. Their debut album is apparently done, too. Snooze.