Category Archives: News
A time for giving
An average metalhead probably doesn’t care about Christmas, and even less about Deftones, but it doesn’t mean we can’t be nice. Everyone knows that their bass player, Chi Cheng, had a car accident which left him in a state of coma, and his family pretty much broke.
The thing you can do to contribute is to buy a song by Sol Invicto (Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter‘s side project), which is a remix of “Diamond Eyes.” I know what you’re thinking, “I might as well go and buy the new Linkin Park CD,” but this song is only $0.99, not as shit, and ultimately serves for a higher cause. Make the jump to hear a preview of the song, click here if you consider donating.
Need more advice? Dr Ozzy to the rescue
Living in the UK, despite being a developed Western country, unfortunately I have to make do with a mediocre (at best) health service. Sure, I could go private, but I can’t afford that. Now that’s where Ozzy Osbourne comes in. The veteran rocker has been “writing” his very own “ask Dr Ozzy” column for the Sunday Times for a while, and it’s been incredibly useful for myself and millions of other Britons. When I found my toe nail was growing inwards, Ozzy was there. When I had a sore throat, Ozzy described his perfect throat remedy. And when I felt a burning sensation as I urinated, Ozzy was there again to help.
So what’s Dr Ozzy up to now? Well it’s been revealed that he will soon be releasing a book Ask Dr. Ozzy in the U.S.A. ehich will be published through Grand Central Publishing. If you’re hoping to get this book for Christmas though, unlucky, as it won’t be released until around October 2011. More information here.
The Damned Things do care about videos (thankfully)
A few days back I posted on The Damned Things and wondered why they haven’t released a video, since their album is almost out. Well, it seems they’ve saved the best for last, the video for “We’ve Got a Situation Here” is out, and maybe it’s just the geek in me talking, but I think it’s pretty fucking awesome. Make the jump and watch it.
Like father, like son.
Jürgen “J.R.” Blackmore, son of Ritchie Blackmore, joined Deep Purple on stage recently to play the hardest song in the world: Smoke on the Water.
This happened on the 27th of November in Hamburg, Germany (we bet Jürgen loves hamburgers, so nice choice of venue) and you can view some footage of it after the jump.
Scott Rockenfield will take you back in time
Queensrÿche drummer Scott Rockenfield (nice surname) launched a new site called “Hollywood Loops.” Now, aside from the fact that the name makes you think of candy or something perverted, it’s actually a site for film and TV soundtrack work, or something.
“Founded by Grammy Award Nominated Film Composer and Queensryche [sic] drummer Scott Rockenfield, our goal is to produce the highest quality Sound Fx and Loop Libraries for use in Film, Television, Trailers, MultiMedia and all other Music Productions.“
Now, all sounds well until you actually visit the site. I’ll pretend not to see that he didn’t even spell his band’s name right, or that he capitalized the second M in ‘multimedia.’ But my God, look at that site. Was it done in ’97? Seriously, Scott, what the hell? Great and professional look, I’m sure Spielberg, Nolan and George Lucas will die to work with you after they see your awesome web 0.5 design.