Category Archives: News



Cauldron have a new song up

If you like old school, raw, dirty sounding 80s heavy metal, then you should be listening to Cauldron.  They hail from Toronto, Ontario, and just recently released the opening track from their upcoming new album, Burning Fortune, which will be out on February14th, 2011 in Europe and February 15th, 2011 in North America.

The song is called “All Or Nothing” and it can be found right here


Within Temptation are back

I’ve never really been within temptation to buy a Within Temptation album myself, but you may be interested to hear they’re back and working on a new album (especially if you like Nightwish and the 40 million other goFFic female-fronted symphonic Metal bands around).

In case you haven’t heard of Within Temptation before and you wonder what they sound like, I can tell you now. Right, go and find the nearest source for some music from Nightwish (try Youtube or Spotify), and listen to it. Right, that’s what Within Tempation sound like. Or you could just ignore my stupid ideas, and just listen to Within Temptation instead.

The new album is titled, The Unforgiving, and is expected to hit stores n March 2011. Expect it to sound like the last Within Tempation album, which also sounded like the last Nightwish album.


Some headlines, yo

Anthrax have a new song, which they performed live with Joey (pictured above). A decent clip of it from Chile, after the jump.

If you like Dimmu Borgir and you want to check out their full Atlanta gig, from November 10th, you’re in luck. You can find it here.

(Super) Mario Duplantier of Gojira has an art show. The good news is that it’s free. The bad news is that it’s in Bordeaux, France. More info here.

Jörg Michael of Stratovarius has cancer. Their keyboardist, Jens Johansson, wrote an update on their official site.


James Hetfield interprets traffic

In a theory that could one day rival Freud himself, Metallica frontman and biker James Hetfield told some Japanese guy how he looks at traffic before a gig, and knows what to expect from the crowd based on what he sees there.

I could transcribe what he said and quote it here, but you’ll think I’m making it up. So see for yourself, after the jump.


Exciter new song

Are you excited about Exciter‘s new album? No, me neither.

You may care that they have released the new song, Slaughtered In Vain, for streaming on their MySpace page. I don’t though. My excitement level is lower than Myspace’s current popularity level.

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