Category Archives: News
"Religious" groups at it again…
Honestly, I’m as tolerant as the next man, but what I do not like is these holier-than-thou, hypocritical religious groups that feel the need to push their beliefs onto everyone else. These groups are anything but tolerant, understanding or accepting, and the only thing they breed, is hatred and ridiculous out-dated idologies. And then they give the tolerant and liberal religous people a bad name.
What have they been up to this time? Well, according to Metal Obsession, an Australian-based religious group on Facebook has successfully protested against the running of a Black Metal mini-festival, dubbed “Black Mass” on the grounds that it promotes “Satanism.”
This is fascism and a disgrace. Now please excuse me while I go and pray to my Lord Satan to smite these parasites \m/
Disturbed Animal
Do you live in North America? Do you like when people make dog noises and sell it as music? Are you an angsty teen? You’re in for a treat, because Disturbed‘s new video for the song “The Animal” is out. Watch it after the jump.
Master of Helter Skelter songs now on Itunes
Beatallica (a band known to mash-up music from the biggest Beatles and Metallica songs) are now officially on Itunes. You can purchase all the Beatallica classics albums, including their latest Christmas EP, Winter Plunderband.
To me they’re just a fun band to watch live with your buddies at a local bar. Nothing more. Nothing less.
Don’t like my opinion? Cool! Click here then!
Billy Corgan is about the road
Not the fucking pavement. So he slammed Pavement, who are joining them for a show in Brazil.
“Just found out SP is playing with Pavement in Brazil. It’s gonna be 1 of those New Orleans type funerals… I say that because they represent the death of the alternative dream, and we follow with the affirmation of life part… funny how those who pointed the big finger of ‘sell out’ are the biggest offenders now…yawn. they have no love… by the way, we’ll be the band up there playing NEW songs because we have the love xx”
Oh god, it’s like watching the Special Olympics. You both should have stayed dead xx
Sebastian Bach is out of custody
…Unfortunately. And he’s also got the lamest name in rock, in case you really think I’m stupid enough to post the picture above by accident. We’ve covered Sebastian Bierk‘s bar fight and arrest earlier today, and the news is that the charges have been dropped, and he payed a $250 fine.
Here’s what he had to say of the experience:
“They treated me okay in jail, but my ass hurts