Category Archives: News



Kirk Hammett doesn't hate kids

As previously reported, Kirk scored a field goal during a live show, but at the other end of the ball was a little girl’s face.

Some people were wondering who that kid was or if she was hurt, but most people just pointed and laughed, really. Anyway, a recent update on sets the record straight.

You may have been reading some reports and watching some YouTube video of Kirk accidentally kicking a balloon and knocking a child down. I want to set the record straight here. The child is the daughter of a Metallica crew member, and she was experiencing the joy of the balloons dropping. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and Kirk did not see her when he kicked the ball. The little girl did not receive any injuries, and she was not “sent flying several feet into the audience.” Both the little girl and Kirk are fine, and are still friends. Thanks for everyone’s concern and support.

Read the post here, if you have an account.

Well, since the little girl is alright, you can keep watching that video, guilt free.


Mötley Crüe and Poison töür not happening

If you’re like me, you’ve been hoping and praying for a Mötley Crüe / Poison tour, if only for the entertainment value of knowing Tommy Lee and Bret Michaels might be backstage comparing sex tapes.

Well pervs, tough luck. It’s not happening. Tommy Lee went to Twitter to answer a fan, writing an in-depth mini-essay on the matter.

NO wrote Tommy Lee.

Oh well.


Van Halen has a producer

Almost everyone associated with Van Halen is related to Eddie in some way. So imagine my surprise when I found out their new producer is not Eddie‘s niece or something… He doesn’t even have the ‘Van Halen‘ surname.

His name is Ross Hogarth and I could sit here and write some bands he’s worked with… Orrrr, I could go get a delicious ice cream from my fridge and just give you this link.

Decisions decisions…


City and Colour 2011 dates

Dallas Green, of Alexisonfire, has announced some special dates for 2011, for his solo project, City and Colour.

Although, I could have sworn C&C aren’t Metal in the slightest, their CDs are found in the Metal section of my local HMV (I kid you not), so I must have been wrong, right?

Regardless, dates are after the jump.


Youth Gone Wild

Just replace “youth” with “aging has-been” and you should get the idea…

Apparently Sebastian Bach, former member of Skid Row, but mostly known as the BFF of Axl Rose (he’s not too well known anymore, hence why he has to wear a tshirt with his own name written on it – see above picture), was arrested on Monday. Footage of Bach getting violent, being restrained and eventually arrested, has made its way onto the internet (thanks to

Lucky us ‘ey? Video after the jump.

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