Category Archives: News



Malevolent Creation release a violent video

Florida Death Metal band Malevolent Creation have released a gory new music video for their song, Slaughterhouse.  It’s a decent video but I prefer Cephalic Carnage latest (because it has a hot chick with nice boobies ).

Click here to watch Malevolent Creation’s video.


Lord Filth

According to Kerrang, Cradle of Filth‘s verbal (and visual) diarrhea, Dani Filth, has some how acquired a lordship. Whatever; whether it’s Lord Filth, Mr Filth, Dani Filth. It’s all still Filth.

Lord Filth commented:

“I’m looking into what my title allows, whether that’s driving a flock of sheep through the town centre on a bank holiday or the keys to every inn and wine cellar in the county” commented the attention seeking Filth. “I’ve also been looking into a nice new country pile, the parties will be immense, the kind Lord Byron would throw if he had access to some Slayer albums.”

In other news, the band’s Darkly Darkly Venus Aversa is out now. So make sure to avoid that and buy some Slayer albums instead.


A message for Dimmu Borgir: Snow is white

Dimmu Borgir vocalist Shagrath either doesn’t know the color of snow, or is trying to convey a subtle anti-racist statement in a metaphor. Here’s what he answers in a recent interview:

Chicago Tribune: What is it about Norway that allows so many black metal bands to flourish?

Shagrath: Mainly it’s a way of thinking. It could be environment. We live in a very dark country where we have a lot of snow. It’s a small country but a lot of bands are able to think outside the box, and not be copycats.

Read full interview here.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but if you live in a country with a lot of snow, isn’t the country technically ‘light’? I mean think about it, snow is white, a lot of snow means a lot of white. Where does the ‘dark’ part come in?


K.K. gives the O.K.

K.K. Downing, of Judas Priest, is ready to go on tour. A message on his official site goes a little something like this:

It seems that the time has come for us to put the touring wheels in motion for our next world tour in 2011! It’s funny but these days around – about this time – I can’t help but reflect on the past when we had to load the touring van ourselves. Sometimes in the ice and snow, being afraid that we would get frostbites on our fingers and not be able to play the gig!

Read full post here, although it goes on and on and on forever.

Can’t musicians just announce something without making it a mini-biography? Jesus. If I had a band, you know what my updates would sound like? “Tour. 2011. Bye” or in case I’m feeling ‘ranty,’ I’d make it a bit longer… “Tour in 2011. Goodbye.”

If any band needs a badass PR guy, let me know.


Deep Purple's first manager passes away

Deep Purple‘s first manager, Tony Edwards (pictured above, far left), passed away at the age of 78.

It was without doubt Tony‘s love of spotting an opportunity which sparked life into the embryonic contacts between musicians which evolved into Deep Purple, and which he and business partner John Coletta (who died in 2006) sunk money into for a couple of years until the breakthrough album In Rock justified the faith of all concerned.” – Simon Robinson

Read the full thing here.

R.I.P. Tony Edwards.

It is said that without Tony, there would be no Deep Purple. And we all know without Deep Purple, a lot of other bands wouldn’t have existed.

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