Category Archives: News
Scandinavian “Love Metal” band, HIM, have announced an official remix album of Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice, will be released December 7th and titled SWRMXS.
Great news for those that loved it the first time round. You’ll soon be able to buy the same album all over again! Or if you’re like me, you can have the pleasure of not buying it all over again. HIM are full of imagination.
Yngwie likes Guitar Hero
Yngwie Malmsteen loves Guitar Hero and Rock Band… In fact, those games made him pick up the guitar in the first place, as he points out in this interview with “Invisible Oranges”
Invisible Oranges: What do you think of video games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band?
Yngwie: Well, I was originally very skeptical. But it actually turned out to be a great thing because it introduced kids to rock and guitar. Guitar was kind of dead in the ’90s. It’s not a bad thing. It actually turned out to be a really good thing.
Read full interview here.
Okay, so he didn’t pick up the guitar because of the games, I was making stuff up exaggerating for the sake of journalism. Newspapers do it all the time, so why can’t I? We make fun of these games but we do agree that they brought ‘guitar playing’ to the masses, so that’s definitely a good thing. I never expected Yngwie to approve of them, by the way. I thought the only things he liked were lasagnas and real guitars.
You live and learn I guess, huh?
Okay, I know, nospace jokes and Iwrestledabearonce come hand in hand, and neither are good, so we promise that the next time we’ll think of somethingelse to write about.
Anyway, it’s Friday night, and instead of being out, drinking and listening to metal, I’m home writing this (and you’re home reading this). And in case you’re listening to metal, make your night completely lame and download Iwrestledabearonce dubstep EP that’s been posted on their Facebook page. Click here. Pro tip: You don’t have to do all those things they ask of you (like their page, share etc), just click on the image that tells you to do that and you get the link. Though, if you’re downloading this, you’re probably already in their fan list. Yes, someone lamer than me! Thank you Jesus.
Phil's one man band
Here’s the stuff Phil can do: sing, play guitar, play bass, hug dogs.
Here’s the stuff Phil can’t do: form a coherent phrase, keep a constant pitch in his voice while talking, blink normally.
Luckily, his new album will only require those things he can do, as it’s not a motivational album or anything.
Hellbound: Will you be handling the rest of the parts of the album? Playing guitar, singing and playing bass as well?
Phil: I’d say about 99%, for sure. I might have a couple of guys do some leads. I’m nothing great at leads, I’m kind of creative with themes but as a lead guitar player I’m pretty God-awful! Depending on the music, you know, I’m thinking this particular project might call for someone with a little more lead guitar talent.
Read full interview here.
When asked if the dog will have anything to do with the album itself, Phil had no comment. He just emulated a bark. Or maybe that was his answer, who knows anymore?
Bleeding Through don't care about sales
Bleeding Through frontman, Brandan Schieppati,was recently interviewed by Sonic Shocks. It’s been a while now since the band’s latest, and self-titled, album came out, but eh, why not bring it up again?
Brandon was asked how he felt about the response to the album, and his response to the question of the album’s response, was the follwoing response:
“I feel like the people that actually got it loved it. I’ve heard very few people criticize it; it’s had the best reviews in the press that we’ve ever had with any other record, and I feel like the kids that buy it really enjoy it. It’s weird, though, because it didn’t really sell very well, but like I said before, we don’t really care about that, about what our record sells. It’s record number six for us. How many people buy six albums by a band?”