Category Archives: News
Corey Taylor’s newest costume: Drag
If the picture above isn’t the most metal thing you saw all day, I don’t know what is. Metal Hammer reports a fan made footage of Stone Sour‘s pre-Halloween show has surfaced, in which you can see Corey Taylor in the costume of his life: full blown, pink hair drag. Slipknot is now officially obsolete. I feel like my head is going to explode, there are so many angles to take a jab at this situation, that I don’t know which one to pick. But you gotta give it to the man, you need balls (or some other organs) to come out in front of a few thousand people dressed like that. And while I think about the best joke, you can enjoy watching the (actually entertaining) video yourself.
Dani Filth isn't a Cheryl Cole fan
Dani Filth (most likely not his real name) of Cradle of Filth was recently interviewed by the site, I Like Music (which in itself is fairly ironic), in which Mr Filth makes a variety of jokes comments.
Dani claims the band like to make no two albums the same. That said, they don’t seem to be against making over 10 million albums of the exact same music. Dani then goes on to criticise British Pop singer, Cheryl Cole, for “not being able to sing.” Am I missing something here, or has Dani never listened to his own singing?
Read the interview over at I Like Music.
Facebook > Iced Earth fanclub
If you’re like me, you’ve joined the Iced Earth fanclub and are now disappointed to see it being shut down. But besides you and me, nobody else really joined it, so don’t feel bad.
“On September 1st of this year, we launched the official Iced Earth Facebook page. We had no idea what would happen. All we knew is that other bands were on Facebook, and hundreds of fans requested that we be on it as well. So we asked our publicist, Bill Murphy, to create the official Iced Earth Facebook page for us.“
“With the world’s economy in such rough shape, and people having to scrape together their hard-earned money to buy basic necessities,” Schaffer said, “we thought we could best serve our fans by giving them communication, interaction, access to the band, fun giveaways, and exclusive news on Facebook, without charging them a dime.“
Read full article here.
Translation: Nobody joined our fanclub (except Alex and some other guy) because Facebook and Twitter rendered fansites and fanclubs obsolete. So we had to shut it down and rely on Facebook, and we’re gonna brag about how many ‘likes’ we got so you don’t think we’re unpopular or something.
Rent-A-Metallica: The setlist
Metallica are now playing private parties and bar mitzvahs. They just did a private gig for Activision, so check out some fan filmed videos and their abridged setlist, after the jump.
If you have a private party and would like them to perform, all you gotta do is ask, man… And pay, of course…
When asked if he’d kick the shit out of 90s and 2000s James Hetfield, 80s James Hetfield had no comment.
Firewind of Change
Greek metal band Firewind have supported Scorpions on their recent big stadium show in Athens. And yes, the only reason I’m posting this is because I couldn’t miss the opportunity of using the pun in the title . But hey, they don’t get to appear on a site as awesome as this every day, so it’s a win-win situation, really. See a few videos after the jump.