Category Archives: News
More shows? Hellyeah!
If you’re into metal and cowboys, you’re in for a treat, because your favorite band, Hellyeah, just added a few more county fairs and rodeo shows to their current tour. They’re also releasing a new single called “Cowboy Way“.
On a side note, I wonder if I could have squeezed in a few sodomy references in there… Too late for that now! Make the jump and see their December dates.
Head hit himself in the head
Brian “Head” Welch, the former guitarist for Korn, and current solo Christian artist touring bars and writing more books than he has probably read in his life, recently spent a good portion of his live show bleeding from his head. No, you can’t make shit like that up. Apparently, he banged his head against the mic stand. Hmmmm, yeah… Maybe if by “bang” he means “got in the way of” and by “mic stand” he means “an unidentified object from the audience”. Unfortunately that part wasn’t caught on video.
What’s fun is fun, but the beginning of the video you’re about to see if you make the jump goes into the “WTF” category, the guy is definitely suffering from a bit of an identity crisis, to put it nicely. He plays a few Korn songs after that, which makes it worth the watch. Or not.
Stone Sour (digital) video
Slipknot’s smaller brother, Stone Sour, have released the video for their new single, Digital (did you tell). The song is about the digital age we live (in) and how people need to unplug (from) it and see the world. So the band thought the best way to get this message across was to release a (digital) video on the (digital) world wide web, for all the kids (sat in front of their computer screens) to watch.
Check it out after the jump.
Evile thrash Vancouver
Footage of Thrash titans, Evile (pronounced “eeeh-vile” but you have to pronounce it in a deep voice, like a monster, otherwise you’re doing it wrong – just watch the video), tearing shit up in Vancouver has made its way onto the internet. Or rather it was posted by their label, Earache.
Evile have begun work on their third studio album, expected for release in early 2011.
Check out the live footage after jump.
Underoath In Division
Christian Metalcore mob, Underoath, are back with a new video for the song, In Division, taken from the forthcoming album, Ø (Disambiguation), due for release on November 9, 2010.
Personally, Underoath are a band I could never really get into, they just didn’t appeal to me, but actually this new song doesn’t sound all bad to me… I was ready to make jokes about the song, but I just can’t bring myself to do it, because it’s actually rather good. Maybe that’s because they have none of the original members left though. Check the video out after the jump to see what you think.