Category Archives: News



Phil the villain

Phil isn’t a fan of Pantera‘s “Behind The Music.” He says it’s biased and makes him look like a villain…

Pantera was a bristling, fantastic, big fucking thing, man. We were on top of the world whilst our entire reign of heavy metal; no one besting us. Those are some fantastic memories in there. The whole story isn’t about Darrell‘s death, that’s what I wanna say, man. There’s a whole lot of good they seemed to leave out. And they portrayed me as this villain.

Watch interview after the jump.

Speaking of VH1 shows though, Phil also got interviewed on “That Metal Show” and you can also watch a clip of that after the jump.


Bruce gets nominated

Musicians and actors love it when they win awards. Imagine winning an Emmy or an Oscar… Or a Grammy, a Golden Globe, hell, even an MTV Award.

But nothing says “Outstanding work in music” quite like a “Face of Travel 2010” award.

“Iron Maiden singer Bruce Dickinson is among the favorites to win the World Travel Awards “Face of Travel 2010”. The award acknowledges the celebrity endorsement that has made the biggest contribution to the travel and tourism industry over the past year. Also nominated are Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Beckham, Kevin Spacey, Usain Bolt, Rafael Nadal and Kevin Costner.”

Read full article here.

This is an inspiration to all the young Iron Maiden fans who dream of one day winning a “Face of Travel” award, thus cementing their status as music icons.


Call of Metallica

I thought the beauty of being (as big as) Metallica is not having to play private gigs and corporate parties. I guess I was wrong, cause Metallica will perform at the new Call of Duty game party. Exciting.

Our friends over at Activision, the fine folks who bring you the ‘Guitar Hero’ games, noticed a small hole in the Metalli-tour schedule in between Australian dates and rang us up to invite us to the launch of their next ‘Call Of Duty’ game, ‘Black Ops’. One thing led to another and next thing we know, we’re playing at the party!!!

Read full news post here.

Seriously, I think this is a tad unflattering. Ricky Gervais turned down £1,000,000 to be flown to China and play a small corporate stand-up gig because he thought it was demeaning and that he wasn’t for sale, and his net worth is probably what Lars spends once a week at art auctions.

But I will let it slide since they are in a relationship with Activision and there’s one redeeming quality about this:

Tickets will not go on sale, but we have a limited number of passes for Fan Club members to attend. If you’re a Met Club member and will be in the L.A. area in a few days, head over to to find out how you can win a pair of tickets.

They are running a free lottery for fans for a chance to be there, and bring a friend too. If you’re in MetClub and can make it, try your luck.


Alice Cooper is like Britney

If you’re like me, a big dream of yours is to witness Alice Cooper performing with a bunch of dancers around him. So we’re both in luck, cause he just did that in the U.K.

Legendary rocker Alice Cooper performed “Poison” on “Strictly Come Dancing”, the U.K.’s most popular dance program, in a special Halloween episode.

Watch the ‘Britneyesque’ performance after the jump.


Stone Sour's not so secret session

Wanna see Corey Taylor dressed like a hipster and pronouncing words like a douschebag (No, I’m not being a dick, listen to Through Glass and you’ll get my “quescheeon”)? Make the jump then, because Stone Sour‘s acoustic “Secret Session” unfortunately went public.

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