Category Archives: News
Ill Niño shõõt ñẽw ṽĩdẽõ
Not only are Ill Niño still around, but they’re also shooting a new video. Say what?
“‘Against The Wall’ was shot in Virginia Beach with director Scott Hansen, who has previously worked on videos for Animals as leaders, Willie Nelson, The Devil Wears Prada and A Day To Remember, among others.”
“Scott is an incredibly talented director and we were very psyched to be working with him. All we can say is wait until you see the footage. We had a great time and the shoot was intense.” said the band while chewing gum thus making that annoying noise everyone hates.
Full article here.
Make the jump to see some behind the scenes footage of it, if you care. Shouldn’t you be carving pumpkins though? Why are you here reading this site? Get a life, God dammit. I bet you’re gonna dress up as the dork who invented Facebook this Halloween, you virgin nerd!
Halloween headlines
Happy Halloween everybody. To celebrate it we’re gonna post you some completely non-related headlines, just to get into the spirit of things, ya know?
Ratt (pictured above) have the masculinity of a 12 year old teenage girl. They make Kirk Hammett look like Rampage Jackson. Their drummer, Bobby Blotzer, will be on some radio show, probably to talk about that and how they coped with bullies while growing up. It’ll be this Wednesday, November 3rd – at 3 pm E.T. on this website.
I have no idea who Triptykon are but the name sounds like an old SNES game about spaceships. Either way, some live footage is available, check it out after the jump.
Speaking of bands nobody heard of, Agalloch have a new song and it’s free. We always post about free shit because we’re cheap. You can hear it here.
Misery Index and Decapitated have been confirmed for the ‘Neurotic Deathfest‘ which will take place on April 29th and 30th of next year. Where? In Tilburg, Holland. Our advice is, if in Holland, buy weed and hookers and spend your time using them both in a hotel room. It’s legal!
Would you pay $1,000 to see Guns N' Roses?
I have no idea who’s in “Guns N’ Roses” (quotation marks placed on purpose) nowadays and I can’t be assed to search for a recent picture of the current line-up so you have to deal with a picture of the old, old, old line-up.
Now, that that’s out of the way, we can go on with the news. According to Blabbermouth, Guns N’ Roses recently received $1 Million (that’s 1,000,000 freaking Dollars) to play a private show in Moscow, Russia. To attend the concert, each invited guest had to pay about $1,000.
Sounds fair, right? A bunch of people who had nothing to do with the success of this “band” (Yes, quotation marks placed on purpose again) covering their songs for a bunch of Russians who have too much money on their hands. Uh huh. And I’m still writing this for free. Life’s definitely fair.
Shitty cellphone video after the jump (You’d think someone who has enough money to spend $1,000 on a concert ticket could afford a decent camera but remember, this is still Russia).
In Flames are back
Not that they’ve been gone, really. But you know how it’s like, it’s a tradition to get a new In Flames album in one or two year cycles. They’re actually late with this one due to problems with alcohol (How can alcohol be a problem? Ask their guitarist), but rejoice, since they’ve just done the pre-production of their 100th studio album. As a reward for the fine job they’ve done, we suggest sending them a beer or something.
Kid Rock ain't no nobody
Kid Rock will be recognized, yo!
Kid Rock will be recognized at the end of the first quarter of Friday’s home opener [Pistons] against Oklahoma City, commemorating his 21 sold-out concerts at the Palace and DTE Energy Music Theatre. The team will unveil his updated arena banner, which has hung from the rafters since January 2009.
The game also will include the debut of a “Born Free” music video integrating Kid’s song with concert clips and Pistons highlights.
To find out what the average attendee of a sold out Kid Rock concert sounds like, read the comments on his blog entry.