Category Archives: News



Suicide Silence know their Facebook

Suicide Silence

…because they’re using the dirtiest trick in the book to get you to download their new free song (actually, not a song, it’s a remix): It’s free, but you have to go to their Facebook page. It’s there, but you have to “like” something first. You can download it, but you need to add an app first. All your data is God knows where, but you finally have your hands on some crappy remix. Actually, considering how most people click on those things without thinking twice, who knows, this might be Suicide Silence‘s big break. Check out the Facebook page here.


Duff-Man talks

Duff and Axl

No, not the beer mascot superhero from the Simpsons, the dude that played bass for Guns N’ Roses around the time the Simpsons just started out (a few decades ago), Duff McKagan. He answered a few questions regarding his recent performance with his old buddy Axl and the new Guns N’ Roses. We won’t post it here, because we’ve already wasted quite a few kilobytes on this band, and we’re going green. Read it here.


Slash Eyed Peas

Slash has a new video out, and it’s with Black Eyed Peas’ Fergie. The concept is quite sci-fi and it makes ‘Star Wars’ look like a documentary, here’s why:

In the clip, which was filmed on August 27, Fergie plays an obsessed fan who will do anything to get her man, stalking the famous guitarist around the seedy bars of Los Angeles.

Haha, see what I mean? I can suspend my disbelief about the Death Star but Slash having a female stalker? Come on. Anyway, there’s a censored version and an uncensored one. Both versions, after the jump. But don’t worry, you won’t have to cover your eyes, Fergie doesn’t get naked so pheew.


Enter Shit-guitaring

Apparently Enter Shikari are sadly still with us – which honestly, I find disgraceful, but what can you do?

I would rather stick needles in my eye than watch their video for the new song, Destabilise, after the jump (but feel free to check it out yourself if either A – you have no taste, or B – you’re in need of a good laugh).

P.S. I know Enter Shikari aren’t Metal. They’re also not Hardcore, nor Rock, nor Trance, nor Drum n’ Bass. They’re just shit. God knows how they managed to trick people into thinking they’re “cutting edge” or “original”, when all they do is take the shittiest parts of two genres, rip off superior artists, and slap it all together.


Bruce doesn't sing for charity

What’s that Brucey? You’re not going to sing for charity? Why you heartless bastard!

Eh? Not quite, because the Iron Maiden frontman, Bruce Dickinson, will in fact be “appearing” on a new charity single to raise money for the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. Just don’t be expecting to hear Dickinson’s legendary vocals on the song, because the single and accompanying video, 2 Minute Silence, both do exactly what they say on the tin. That’s right, it’s just two minutes of silence… Erm yay.

Quite why it takes professional musicians to record two minutes of silence, is beyond me. I could do that right now, in my bedroom, upload it to the internet and ask people for donations for the charity.

Regardless, I’m really looking forward to hearing this… or should that be NOT hearing this? For more information, visit

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