Category Archives: News
Kerry and Dave sitting in a tree
P.E.R.F.O.R.M.I.N.G. Amazing joke, Alex, you’re comedic genius.
Anyways, just days after Kerry said he wouldn’t read Mustaine’s book, which we told you about, Kerry performed with Megadeth. We reported all that, then we showed you the video of it happening. Aren’t we just fucking tip top?
But now, watch both Dave and Kerry talk about it, after the jump.
Are you evil?
The Big Four DVD/Blu-Ray will be released in a few days, but if you live under a rock and haven’t seen this on YouTube yet, the video of the four bands performing “Am I Evil” is available for free.
So get it here. You can also watch it on YouTube, after the jump, but keep in mind this is a different version, from a day or two after it happened. The iTunes one might be of better quality, so get that too just in case, don’t be lazy.
Metallica keep releasing stuff
I know what you’re thinking. You need more Metallica releases in your life. You must be thinking that, because they haven’t released anything in the last 5 days so fans must be feeling withdrawal symptoms already.
You’re in luck, because there’s a new EP being released in November.
“If you picked up ‘Six Feet Down Under,’ you may have noticed the words ‘EP One’ on the package and were quick to ask, ‘What the hell does that mean?’ Well, drum roll please […] Look for ‘Six Feet Down Under Part II’ in Australian and New Zealand stores, along with and, on November 12.”
Track listing and cover after the jump
So fear not, Metallica fans. As long as money still exists, you’ll be able to invest it in your favorite band. Look out for their upcoming release “Metallica: Dose Of Metal wrote about us EP” coming soon, celebrating this very post.
Sepultura in studio
I wanted to call this article Sepultura enter Sepulstudio to record a new Sepulalbum, but it seemed like a cheap shot, even for me. One nation, Sepulnation, sucka. Make the jump to see the video.
What to expect from Anthrax's new album
I gave up trying to figure out who’s singing in Anthrax now and even if I knew, it could change at any second anyways so I’m just going with the flow.
This week’s vocalist, apparently Joey Belladonna, talks Anthrax’s new album. You know, the one recorded with a different singer that they’re now redoing? Got a headache yet?
“There are new lyrics being done right now and just the overall vocals are going to be brand new. Music-wise, there might not be a lot of recording. Who knows?! Again, it’s open to anything at this point, because you get a whole other shot at everything. But they are really happy with what they have, so there is not a lot of finagling going on”
Read full interview here.
So Joey doesn’t sound too sure, either. We’re guessing the band is just using the “rock paper scissors” technique to make decisions, which explains all the uncertainty.