Category Archives: News
Of Metal and Middle East
I always thought Jordan was a basketball player, first name Michael. Or was it a singer? Or were they one person? Didn’t the singer have some incident involving his balls?
Anyway, to my big surprise, it seems that Jordan is also a country. You learn something new every day. The country’s (and in fact, entire Middle-Eastern) metal scene is still new, but working hard. They are facing the same old stereotypes every metalhead faces at one point of their lives: that they’re Satanists, evil, bad, violent, demented, etc. Of course none of these things apply to a usual metalhead, regardless of what my mother might have told you about me.
You can read more on the subject as well as few fan statements here, and you can check out the band pictured above, Binding Shade, if you click here.
A day of interviews
Today was a busy day. Seems that musicians talk way too much… Here’s a quick recap on who had what to say.
First and foremost, our very own Guido did an interview with Thomas Gurrath of Debauchery and Big Ball, and it’s the sweetest thing you’ll read all day. I’m posting the other interviews just so I could make this a “recap” and not “look, we’re awesome” post. Read on to check out a bunch of other ones.
Mugshot mystery
Who is this kid?
Let me help you out: He’s named after a flower, he used to be in a popular rock band ages ago, and lately he’s been most recognized by his dreadlocks. He happens to play in some tribute band, but no one really cares about that. Make the jump and find out.
Phil is honest
Phil Anselmo’s been in a million bands, but he will always be associated mainly with Pantera, and he knows that, so he talks about them all the time.
But fair is fair, at least he’s admitting his own mistakes, unlike my ex-girlfriend who still denies doing German scheisse porn even though her (literally) shitty antics are captured on HD video and streamed on the internet. “It’s fake. It’s CGI” she said when I questioned her. “Yeah right, if by CGI you mean Cock Gagging Interaction” was my quirky answer that got me slapped in the face. I still love her though.
“I said some ridiculous things in the press back in the day. I admit it. But I put myself in that position, so I’m not gonna blame anyone else. I know that everything I did yesterday is etched in stone, but it doesn’t faze me. All I can do is the right thing today.“ mumbled Phil.
Read more about it here.
If I can be serious for a second, Phil is not the only frontman to say a lot of ‘ridiculous things’ in the press, but he’s one of the few who will own up to it. I respect that. I wish other redheaded frontmen would stop blaming the press and start being honest.
Crystal Viper have a new album out
After only 20 months, Crystal Viper are back with a brand new album, Legends. The album was released yesterday and a track by track description of Legends can be found here.
Crystal Viper clearly will never be considered legends in the metal world, but their Metal Nations record was a great one, so I’m going to predict Legends is a pretty bad ass sounding album as well.