Category Archives: News
Asomvel singer died
Asomvel frontman Jay Jay Winter (pictured above, on the far left) was killed in a car crash. It makes us sad whenever we lose a metalhead, even if he’s from a band most people probably haven’t heard of. Here’s what happened:
Jay Jay Winter, the lead singer and bassist of the U.K.-based metal band Asomvel, was killed in a car crash this past Monday, October 18. He was 43 years old.The surviving members of the band said in a statement, “Jay was driving home when en route he was forced off the road by another driver’s incompetence. Jay later died in hospital from the injuries he sustained.”
What can we say, except R.I.P. And instead of a minute of silence, take a minute of your time and check the band’s MySpace page.
Dead… By April
Dead By April, the band I didn’t know about until like 3 minutes ago, have lost their guitar player. He didn’t die, he quit. I’m so crushed over this, I’ll be spending the rest of the night drinking my ass off. Here’s the announcement:
Guitarist Johan Olsson has left the Swedish “pop/metal” band Dead By April. He says in a statement, “We have had some differences and been going in different directions for a while and there’s always a certain point you reach when you need to really decide if you can go forward together or not. So I have decided to leave Dead By April to focus mainly on my own music and bands. Also give time to my other projects like my clothing company, Suckerpunch Clothing, as well as of course my family and friends.
Let me take a wild guess, one direction was pop, the other was metal? Judging by the fact he has a clothing company, we’ll label him pop. If you happen to like this band, feel free to compare the before and after albums (if the second happens) and let us know what has changed, since I saw one of their music videos (you can too if you continue reading) and I don’t plan on doing anything similar ever again.
A perfect rehearsal
Attention Maynard James Keenan A Perfect Circle fans, the band just posted rehearsal footage online. I know what you’re already thinking, Maynard is a genius and the band is the best ever so this clip must be awesome… Let’s balance that out by me saying it’s nothing other than 37 seconds of random noise and artsy lame camera angles. Angry about that? Angry I posted a picture of Billy Howerdel instead of you know who? Then you know how Maynard felt when his wine business didn’t earn him enough so he had to reunite this band… Video after the jump.
Helloween stream
It’s almost Halloween and what better way to prepare yourself for it than by listening to Helloween? Cause, you know, they’re named “HELLoween” (see what they did there? replaced the ‘a’ with ‘e’ to play with both the words ‘hell’ and ‘halloween’ and it’s just genius)
So yeah, their whole new album is available for streaming on their MySpace page. ALL of it. WOWSA! It’s called “7 Sinners” and it will be released in North America on the 9th of November, but who will buy it if it’s free on the interwebs? Time will tell.
Paranoid documentary airing this week
Something to mark in your diaries this week for Black Sabbath fans (which lets face it, should be ALL Metal fans). BBC4 (UK) will be airing a documentary on the band’s legendary second album, Paranoid. The programme lasts an hour and is followed by Heavy Metal Britannia, which follows the rise of the genre in Britain from the 60s and 70s.
Here’s a preview on the programme.
Classic Albums: Black Sabbath – Paranoid
Friday 29/10/10, 9pm, BBC4“In their original (And best) lineup, the Sabs were one of those rare bands in which everyone brought something to the party. They toured mercilessly, roadtesting and refining new material, so when it came to making Paranoid, their second album, it was far from difficult. They were so in the zone that when the album’s running time came up short, they wrote and recorded the classic title track in a mere 25 minutes. Trivia like this often sounds like PR bull, but there’s no doubting the plain-speaking members interviewed here. They leave the hyperbole to fans such as Henry Rollins.”
Source: The Guardian