Category Archives: News
Bret Michaels is modest
Bret Michaels is humble, modest and doesn’t really like being in the spotlight. So in this next interview, he’s not just talking on and on and on about himself and about how big his ratings were on all the reality series he’s been on. Nope, not one bit. Not once. Never…
View the video after the jump and witness modesty at its finest. They show his nude cover picture again so consider yourself forewarned.
P.S. = A cool drinking game you can do, if you want to get wasted. Drink a shot every time he says “awesome.”
Steven Tyler likes balls
You know by now that Steven Tyler is the new American Idol judge. Also, $20 says American Idol will have the lowest ratings ever this upcoming season… Anyway, you know from now on a lot of questions like “OMG HOW WILL YOU FIND TIME TO BE A ROCKSTAR NOW THAT YOU ARE ONTV??” will keep being asked, so might as well get used to it.
But check out how Steven answers this question in a recent interview. Is it just me, or is he being a bit more “male friendly” than usual?
“I’m married to four men. I mean, you think women are bad. Did I say that? So it’s a marriage, and there’s a lot of ups and downs, and we went through a period there — a slow period — where everybody was not feeling so good. […] So it just is what it is. It’s good, because it afforded us a down period, and we got a chance to look at each other. […] I can juggle a lot of balls, so it’s all looking good.”
Listen to the full interview here.
Now, I’m not a homophobe. I like Wham! as much as the next man. But don’t those quote just feel a bit off to you? I was waiting for something like “And this one time, at band practice…” to come next.
Have a look at AC/DC
Live music, just simply awesome am I right? But, what’s nearly as good as hearing and seeing a band live in person? A live CD? Maybe even a live DVD? Nah, forget that, because AC/DC have an even better idea, as soon you lucky fans will be able to get your mitts on a “totally awesome” Black Ice World Tour 2008-2010′ Limited-Edition Photo Book!
Now, no longer will you have to put up with the horrid sounds of the OAPs attempting to sound like their former selves, you can just buy this book (that will no doubt cost more than any CD or DVD) and look at the pretty pictures, whilst listening to Gorgoroth or whatever you kids are into these days. Why would you want to listen to live music anyways? It’s all about the totally awesome pictures of a 60 year old man dressed in a school uniform… Mmmm *drool*… Sorry, I drifted off there!
Get the photobook from here. See where I stole this “news” from here.
Dimmu Borgir have 'only 3 members'
*counts* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Yeah, I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark, and guess that the above picture isn’t the current lineup… Do I care? No I do not. recently conducted an interview with lead vocalist of Dimmu Borgir, Shaggerpoof or something or other (real name: Stian Tomt Thoresen apparently), in which the split of some former multi-instrumentalist is addressed.
When asked about the band and possible replacements, Shaggy responded that Dimmu Borgir will never consist of more than just three members. Well that’s unless you count the 101 musicians that featured on your latest album, right Shaggy-poo?
Interview after the jump.
Kerry King performs with Megadeth (Video)
As reported earlier today, Kerry King of Slayer performed with Megadeth yesterday at the last concert of the ‘Big 3’ (Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax) tour, in California.
This marked the first time Kerry King performed with Megadeth since 1984, when King joined Megadeth for a short time.
Watch the video of ‘Rattlehead’ being performed by this bunch after the jump.