Category Archives: News



Guns N' Emirates

If you live in the United Arab Emirates and you love Guns N’ Roses, tough luck. They’re not coming.

However, a band fronted by Axl Rose with a bunch of hired musicians are coming to the U.A.E., and although they share the same name with the band we all know and love, nothing else is similar. But hey, beats staying home and playing online poker naked, doesn’t it?

“Guns N’ Roses will play on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, later this year. The concert is being organized by Flash Entertainment as part of a slew of events around the Etihad Airways Formula 1 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. They will perform on December 16. Ticket prices will begin at Dh150 (around $41).

Source: Blabbermouth

When asked where he buys his extensions, Axl Rose had no comment.


Chronicles of Narnia

Narnia called it quits. The metal community sighed and asked “Who?”. Alex bought cyan/red glasses for 3D porn. Same old, same old.

However, these guys will play two more dates in case you want to catch them live. I’m sure you don’t but come on, try…

These two locations have been carefully chosen among the many wonderful audiences and fantastic concert promoters that we have met during the years. We really hope to see each and everyone of you who is able to make it to these two VERY special concerts.*sniff* *sniff*

Dates after the jump.


Some interviews

Joe Satriani (pictured above) gave an interview. Sadly, nobody asked him if he’s a full time Moby impersonator.

Gus G. of Ozzy Osbourne and Firewind infamy also gave an interview. Rumor has it that Ozzy is the first human taxidermy puppet. Sadly, Gus had no comment when asked if it was true. He just nodded.

Let’s see now, can you guess what Myles Kennedy of Alter Bridge gave? Is it a) birth or b) an interview? Find out here. You lose.

Crashdïet have a video interview. This is okay and all but who the hell are they? Make the jump for the video though. Maybe you’re more informed than I am.


As I Lay Dying on Zeitgeist

Truth is Scary recently conducted an interview with Christian Metalcore band, As I Lay Dying‘s bassist, Josh GilbertJosh discusses how the documentary “Zeitgeist” challenged his band’s Christian faith, questions if 9/11 was an “inside job,” and talks FEMA death camps. You can watch the interview after the jump.

Apparently after watching the film, the band questioned their own Christian beliefs, but after researching for themselves, found that Zeitgest was made up of “shoddy research”. I tried watching Zeitgeist once, but gave up the moment I realised it wasn’t German porn. The only thing it made me question, was my porn searching skillz.


Gallows to play Grey Britain

The Gallows have recently announced a very special show for this December, in which they will be performing their Grey Britain album in its entirety, in Grey Britain. Isn’t that clever? Playing the album that pisses and moans about Great Britain, in Great Britain? Genius!

Of course, the band titled the album Grey Britain. Because Great Britain isn’t great is it? It’s kind of grey. Especially with all that rain and cloud. Aren’t the Gallows clever? Such a thought provoking band. I heard that a small child was seen crying in “some third world country”, not because of their lack of clean water, but because news had travelled to them, that Great Britain isn’t too “great” at the moment.

If you want to see the Gallows make this “special” performance, read more details at Metal Hammer.

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