Category Archives: News
P.O.D. A.R.E. B.A.C.K.
C.A.N. I. G.E.T. A.W… (you get the idea). Can I get away with doing the same joke twice in one day? Who cares? I’m way too lazy.
According to P.O.D.‘s website (why was I checking P.O.D.’s website? Because I thought it stood for Porn On Demand, ok!), the band are not dead (shame I know), and will be heading into the studio next month to record a new album.
I can’t wait for more Nu-Metal cross reggae rap Christian styled mish-mash. Yeah youth of the nation y’all!
Newsted got a job
At least a job that doesn’t involve flipping burgers…
I kid, I kid, I love Jason… Well, loved him more when he was relevant, but… Ok, enough hasbeen jokes. He’s made an appearance ‘all-star’ band (we told you about earlier) whose name pretty much sums up how we feel about it.
“Former Metallica bassist Jason Newsted and Mikko “Linde” Lindström, guitarist for the Finnish “love metal” band HIM, have recorded guest appearances on the track “Out Of My Mind” from the all-star charity project Whocares — featuring Black Sabbath guitarist Tony Iommi and Deep Purple singer Ian Gillan alongside keyboardist Jon Lord (Deep Purple, Whitesnake ) and drummer Nicko McBrain (Iron Maiden).”
IDONTREALLYCARE, but to be honest, it doesn’t sound as bad as other ‘all-star bands’ like let’s say Velvet Revolver. Will probably have to check out their song(s) anyway when I’ll post about them in the future, so color me mildly interested. If you’re a skinny Asian chick with huge tits, color me green and do me like I’m Godzilla.
Source: Blabbermouth
W.A.S.P. A.R.E. B.A.C.K.
Ah W.A.S.P., that lovely band who’s stage show has been known to feature naked chicks being whipped on torture racks (hey, they’ve sold it to me) and have album covers featuring beastiality imagery, have just kicked off a Euopean tour.
Unfortunately, their first show, this past Wednesday night (October 13) at Kvarteret in Bergen, Norway, was stopped after just a few seconds. Why? Because of naked chicks? Because the frontman hurled some live rats into a meat grinder and sprayed the audiance with the blood? No, the show was stopped because a fire alarm went off. Don’t worry though, it soon was put back on track.
Apparently the show was an intimate performance with a capacity of just 400. They call it intimate, we call it N.O. O.N.E. C.A.R.E.S. A.N.Y.M.O.R.E.
More here.
Metallica Force Two
New Zealand fans were able to fly to the Auckland Metallica show on a special plane. Well, wasn’t really special, it’s not like it had three wings or anything, but it was set up especially for the people in Christchurch (not an actual church, but a city)
“According to The Sydney Morning Herald, more 100 black-clad, gothic leather-wearing metal fans took advantage of the $NZ1 (approximately USD $54) “grabaseat” deal to fly to the band’s third New Zealand concert. Among them was Andrea Grom, who started the successful Facebook campaign to get Metallica to Christchurch.“
Read full article here.
Will Metallica release an EP to celebrate this event? I’m sure they will. Expect another 20 releases from them by the end of October. Make the jump for a video on this, though.
What ever happened to: Mortiis
Last night I was thinking about high school, college and the music I used to listen to, and then I thought to myself, what the hell happened to Mortiis? Not that I listened to them/him, but I remember they used to be mentioned all the time in Metal Hammer.
For those that don’t know, Mortiis is a Norwegian Industrial band (*cough* Nine Inch Nails rip-off band) fronted by a homeless gothic goblin with an extreme case of cherubism. At least that’s the conclusion I came to from seeing photos of him.
So what happened to them? Well after 5 minutes a lot of research, I found out that the band left, or were dropped by, their label, Earache, and they’ve since released albums for free download on their website. Well, there’s a new album on their website for download now anyways. Oh how the mighty disformed have fallen.
Check out their official site here.