Category Archives: News



Napalm Death frontman interviewed

Napalm Death frontman, Barney, has perhaps one of the most un-metal names around. Then again, his real first name is Mark, which is also my name, so he must be pretty awesome. Plus, we’ve interviewed him too before, so that makes him very awesome.

Anyways, Barney has been interviewed for the latest episode of ‘The Governor’s Ball’ and you can listen to the audio clips over at Blabbermouth.



So we’re back. Well, I’m back, anyway. What better way to start the year than to make fun of a band I’ve never heard of.

Get this… There’s a band from Canada named Yes, they chose a domain name for a band name. What the…?

Why on Earth would you choose a domain name? And why would you stop at the domain name? Just go full URL on the bitch. My new band is gonna be called “”

What’s next, YouTube urls? I’m starting a band called “”


Not to be completely assholish, since we made fun of mentioned these guys, might as well plug their shit. Their new album will be released on February 14, you have more info on Blabbermouth and their official site. Guess what their site’s URL is.


Woe to you, oh Earth and Sea

The voice behind the classic intro to ‘The Number of The Beast’ passed away. He was 80.

Barry Clayton, whose voice we shall forever remember because we listen to real music, not that dumb hip-hop crap, was hired by Iron Maiden when the horror actor who was supposed to get the job asked for too much money.

You can read a bit more about him here. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with the words you already know from the song you have loved for years.

Woe to You Oh Earth and Sea
For the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows the time is short
Let him who have understanding
Reckon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
Its number is six hundred and sixty six.

Source: Blabbermouth



Zakk Wylde blames BLS on Ozzy

When you’re responsible for awful things such as Black Label Society, no wonder you’re not gonna take any of the blame, and instead will just point the finger at the old mumbling guy who can’t defend himself.

Here’s what Zakk had to say in a recent interview about the band he named after a mediocre brand of whiskey:

Without Ozzy, there’d be no Black Label. That’s just a fact. So the whole thing is, nothing was going on, and then Ozzy just got to the point where he was like, ‘Zakk, I gotta get another guitar player.’ I’m like, ‘Ozz, I don’t blame you.’ I’m like, I’m sitting around here, I don’t know whether we’re coming or going, or whether we’re gonna do this thing or not do this thing.

Read full interview here.

Real mature, Zakk, let’s just blame it all on the guy with Parkinson’s disease. What is he gonna do? Shake about with anger?

Leaving all jokes aside, Zakk’s always been faithful to Ozzy and had only nice things to say about him. In a business where talking shit about other musicians is the ‘way to go,’ Zakk really is a breath of fresh air. And I actually love Black Label. The whiskey, not the band…


Matt Heafy is rich

And you thought Trivium weren’t making money, eh?

Frontman Matt Heafy just tweeted a photo of his royalty check right here. Dude gets paid quite a lot, huh?

Dear state of the music industry, Thanks a heap for this massive royalty check.

Read tweet here.

It could be worse… No wait, it couldn’t. Damn…

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