Category Archives: News



MTV interviewer makes fun of Dave Mustaine

Rhythm guitar. Vocals. Lead guitar. Politics. Is there anything Dave can’t do?

Apparently our man Dave has advice for the next president, and whoever that is, he’d better listen up. Cause this is a guy who founded two of the best metal bands of all time, so he knows his shit when it comes to metal. And we all know metal rules so ipso facto Dave can rule the world.

So here’s some of the things Dave said. I must warn you, the interview is unintentionally hilarious and a very good read.

If you’re a Dave fan, skip this article, because the interviewer is being sarcastic all the time and Dave doesn’t seem to realize it.

 “Dave: All I know is, if my wife walked in there and some transgender dude in a dress walked out, I would beat his ass.
Her ass.
You mean her ass.
The dude in the dress?

Haha, wow… Probably the best Dave interview in a while. It gets better, Dave mentions his hexes again.

They did [work]. And that’s why I don’t do hexes anymore. And it’s why I don’t do Megadeth songs like “The Conjuring” anymore. The lyrics are basically just a list of instructions from some of the hexes I’ve done.”

The interviewer is obviously pulling his leg at this point, but Dave is none the wiser…

“Interviewer: I just Googled the lyrics to “The Conjuring,” and I guess you’re right, it is like a recipe for a hex. I apparently need a candle and a piece of parchment and an eyelash from a black cat and the straw of a broom. This is all accurate?
Dave: It is, yeah.
Where do you even go to find the eyelash from a black cat? Amazon, maybe?
Dave: I have no clue. I’m not saying everybody would listen to that song and decide to try doing a hex. Maybe out of 100 people, 99 will think it’s stupid, or 99 will think it’s cool but would never do it. But there’s always that one. You know what I mean? I don’t want to be responsible for misleading anyone. It’s hard enough to survive in this world without getting bad ideas from a metal song.”

Read full article here.


Dave, seriously. This guy was jabbing you subliminally and all you did was fall right into his trap. I can’t blame anyone for his own beliefs, it’s your right to believe in God/Santa/hexes, but keep some of that stuff to yourself, man. Otherwise people will just make fun of you.


Axl loves his fans

Axl Rose sure loves his fans. He loves them so much, he points at them and has security kick them out.

I have no idea what that guy did, but I’m gonna take a wild guess: He had a banner saying ‘Ginger have no souls and show up late!’.

Again, just a guess.

Epic beard, courtesy of Bumblefoot.


Anthrax and Machine Head shat brix

I know, the headline is awful, but so is my sense of humor, so you get the idea.

Apparently Scott Ian and Phil Demmel were in ‘awe’ of Metallica’s 30th celebration shows. Phil even called them the ‘most amazing band ever!!!11’ or something.

I don’t want to be rude towards Phil, but that title is obviously reserved for Linkin Park, the only band able to put rock, rap, dubstep/electronic shit in a blender, make a shit-cocktail, eat it up, digest it and then shit it out and sell it.

Anyway, yeah… Watch the video above.


GN’R bassist says next album will come ‘much quicker’

Tommy Stinson, bassist of Guns N’ Roses, was recently interviewed by Jason P. Woodbury of the Phoenix New Times. I mostly didn’t read the interview because I have way better things to be doing (like getting drunk or laid), but one segment did catch my eye.

Phoenix New Times: “I thought about asking if GN’R was going to do another record, but I thought that might be the worst question in the word considering how long people asked about Chinese Democracy.”

Stinson: “You know, I just see us making a record much quicker, because, in hindsight, a lot of what happened with “Chinese Democracy”, we could get around now.”

Source: Blabbermouth

Good news then GN’R fans, you’re only going to have to wait 10 years for a new album this time.


Mike Mushok of Staind interviewed

Staind guitarist Mike Mushok, (who may or may not be a character in Street Fighter) was recently interviewed by In The Now magazine. You can watch a video of the interview above.

I’m not sure exactly what was said in the video, because, well, I didn’t bother watching it.

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