Category Archives: News



Five Finger Death Punchline

Five Finger Death Punch drummer, Jeremy Spencer and guitarist, Jason Hook, were recently interviewed by Musik Universe.

When asked about the overwhelmingly negative comments their band receives on every time a Five Finger Death Punch story is posted on the site, Jason said, “I skip right to the comments, actually. I’m like, ‘Oh, a story on us….’ Right to the bottom.” Jeremy added, “I think it’s great, man. I just want it to be creative when they dog us. I wanna see something that’s really funny that sticks out, ’cause I love it; I think it’s great. The bonehead, stupid, typical dogging, that’s not funny to me, but if they go out of their way to be creative, I love it. I say, bring that stuff on; that’s awesome.”

That’s funny, “bonehead, stupid, typical dogging, not funny” — Holy shit, is it me or did they just describe their own music? Nah, that’s not fair I guess, FFDP are really creative sometimes. Like that time they released a cover song as a single. Or that time they borrowed a few nu-metal riffs and called it an album. Twice.

For more on Five Fanny Dingo Plank, check out Blabbermouth.


Six Feet Under smashing face

Six Feet Under, with their new, fucking killer line-up, toured earlier this year. The first album with that line-up should be announced soon. Personally, I can’t fucking wait for new SFU.

Make the jump for a video of Six Feet Under performing the Cannibal Corpse classic ‘Hammer Smashed Face.’


Guns N’ Roses to be inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, will probably be late

Axl Rose (Guns N' Roses)

Extremely long post title, but I simply had to. Burn.

Regarding the news, it’s been made official, Guns N’ Roses are amongst the acts to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on April 14, 2012. There’s still speculation as to which band will actually be there for the ceremony. Steven Adler is at the edge of his seat right now.

More info can be found here.


Soulfly’s new album title has shocked me


I’ve made plenty of jokes regarding Soulfly and Max Cavalera’s rather limited writing abilities, and guess what, I’m gonna keep doing it. Why? Because I can hide behind my computer screen, and pen is mightier than Max Cavalera’s fist. Or his rather limited writing abilities.

The news today is that the band have a new album coming out, and it’s titled Enslaved. The track list is as follows:

  • Resistance
  • World Scum
  • Intervention
  • Gladiator
  • Legions
  • American Steel
  • Redemption Of Man By God
  • Treachery
  • Plata O Plomo
  • Revengeance
  • Chains
  • Slave
  • Bastards
  • Soulfly VIII

Looking at it, I can only think Max saw that episode of South Park where they make fun of Family Guy and say it’s written by manatees, and took it way too seriously.

The most interesting news, though, is in the lineup department. Tony Campos is taking up the bass player’s position, while marking another change in a quite surprisingly long and stable Soulfly lineup is the departure of drummer Joe Nunez, and his replacement with David Kinkade.

The album is coming out March 13, 2012.


Severed Fifth want to Liberate you

Hey-oh, remember Severed Fifth? Jono was the first guy I got to interview, so they hold a precious place in my little black heart.

The band are preparing to release an all new album titled Liberate on January 16. Why should you care? Because it will be free, Creative Commons licensed and all. YAY, FREE STUFF!

Not only free, though. I highly recommend you listen to the preview track above (Fallout) and the one after the jump (End of Days), especially if you’ve stumbled upon their last year’s album. Production value is way, way higher, the fact that they’re a full band now probably also helps, and Jono further evolved his vocals. So if you’re a fan of Bay Area thrash with a touch of British heavy metal, check it out.

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