Category Archives: News
Mystery of Megadeth’s Public Enemy No. 1
Hey, if you go over to Megadeth‘s website, you can stream their new song, Public Enemy No. 1. It comes out as a digital single on Tuesday, September 13, the day that’s also Dave Mustaine’s birthday.
Woah, fuck the song, let’s dig into this some more. Megadeth‘s album is also called Th1rt3en! This is just crazy. You know what also happened on September 13? Tupac got shot, that’s what happened! Holy shit you guys, can’t you see the connections? Public Enemy No. 1 is also the song by Public Enemy, featuring cryptic lyrics such as “Ya know what I’m sayin'” — I think I do. The mind blowing thing about this is that Public Enemy’s version of the song was also sampled by Puff Daddy in his own version called PE 2000.
We all know what that clearly means though. Puff Daddy obviously killed Tupac because he gained the most out of it, that much we know by all the proof that’s been circulating on the internet over the years. What no one ever could figure out is how he managed to do it, and I think that by deciphering these clues Dave Mustaine is leaving us, we can now see that it was him who did it. I mean, who would suspect a ginger involved in some gangsta wars. Just think about it, it’s quite genius. You can also see Dave has had a tough time after that and he’s been leaving us messages, just like Tupac. I mean, why would he name Megadeth‘s 1997 album (the one written around the time of Tupac’s death) Cryptic Writings?
Everything matches up (one thing I still haven’t figured out, see it after the jump). You can join me in my quest for truth over at
Cult of Luna cover Unbroken
Cult of Luna, one of my favorite bands in recent times, have been hard at work writing for a new album, and have announced that recording will begin this Autumn. Great news, I know, but what about us impatient cunts?, I hear you ask.
Well, in the mean time, the band have posted an exclusive cover of Unbroken‘s ‘Recluse’ over at the band’s Myspace page.
I haven’t heard the cover yet, as I stopped using Myspace the second I started talking to girls in real life. Well that and I’m just too fucking lazy to click the link and I’m in bed with a hangover with red raw cock from all the sex wanking I did last night. Life’s tough being me.
If you’re not stuck in 2004, using shitty websites full of glitter and amateur modelling attempt photos, why not check out the band’s Facebook page also for album updates.
Iced Earth scared me for a moment
Hey you Dungeons and Dragons dorks, good news — Iced Earth have re-recorded their well known song “Dante’s Inferno,” and they’re offering it as a free download. Even better news — you have to give them your email to hear it, which I simply won’t do, so I didn’t have to listen to it. A win-win situation if you ask me.
The song can be found here, and Metal Hammer also has a few details on the new album and their fresh new singer (who probably isn’t in the picture above, but hey, I can’t do everything).
Generation Kill treat you with a song
Rob Duke’s (Exodus) crossover side project Generation Kill have an album coming out September 16 (in Europe, 11 days later in US), and it’s called Red, White And Blood. Which I read in my head as “red, white and more red.” Should you give a shit? Well, why do you always have to turn to me, make your own mind for once.
To make it easier for you, the band has posted an mp3 of the title track for download at this location, but I’ve taken the extra effort and made it available to stream with one click of the button right here on the website, just because I care about my lazy readers <3 And since I’m that nice, I’ll also warn you and tell you the song features lyrics such as “I don’t know but I’ve been told, Eskimo pussy’s mighty cold” AND The Star-Spangled Banner, but does it work?
Listen to the song below, see the tracklist and the album cover after the jump.
Generation Kill - Red White And Blood
Tour story, bro — Every Time I Die writing a book
Aaaah, the wonders of the internet. The most advanced technology in communication the world has seen, spent on countless hours of arguing about which operating system is better and which Metallica album is the worst.
Where was I? Oh yeah. If you follow Keith Buckley and Every Time I Die camp on Twitter, you might remember their hashtag meme #tourstories, which they’ve used to crowd source the most interesting fan submitted tour moments (dropping some new media terminology up in this bitch yo), and according to band’s recent tweet, they are turning it into a book.
remember #tourstories? its now becoming a book. send your story to @_tourstories to be a part of the next true great american masterpiece
The band promised to review everything submitted, and the most interesting stories might get a full page interview along with the 140 character tweet.
There you have it, if you ever wanted to be a part of an internet meme, in an old school book format (paper and shit), this is the perfect opportunity to contribute. Photos of the tweets can be found after the jump.