Category Archives: Rants

Our shitty rants


Behind the artwork


Ever wanted to get a reverse angle of certain metal album artworks? Well, now you have the chance.

Here’s a look at what Eddie sees on the cover of Iron Maiden‘s Killers. It’s pretty good. Click here for a bigger version.

Unfortunately we don’t know exactly who made these, so if you know, send us an email. We got them from the awesome Facebook page called And Justice for Art. Thanks guys!


Metallica encourages copyright infringement


Metallica is known for two things. One: being one of the world’s biggest bands and two: Being the guys who sued Napster.

The problem with the PR fiasco that was the Napster lawsuit was that Metallica got way more shit for it than they deserved. While all the ‘selling out’ criticism is based on a lot of truth, the whole ‘Metallica sued their fans’ crap is just nonsense. There’s nothing worse than being accused of things you never did, and that’s exactly what Metallica got out of that whole ordeal, which begs the question: Was it worth it? — Personally, I don’t think so.

Lars did a Reddit IAmA recently and a lot of questions and trolling posts revolved around Napster, suing fans, etc… Lars did his best to be upfront and honest about it, but it didn’t help. 14 years later, a lot of people still think Metallica sued their fans, which means they’ll never escape that stupid lie. They’ll always be labeled by some as the guys who will sue you if you don’t buy their shit. It’s not exactly true though…

Which brings me to today’s point. Metallica actually did something nice for a few fans which goes against the whole ‘suing’ thing, and nobody really noticed it. Nobody ever will. People only notice when celebrities fuck up. It makes them feel better about themselves. When they do nice things, nobody gives a shit.

An Italian YouTube channel called Milanica is known for uploading various Metallica bootlegs and live clips. It has tons of views and tons of subscribers, and a few days ago it got shut down by YouTube.

What did Metallica do? They fixed it. And they contacted the guys to tell them they fixed it. I think that’s pretty nice. It’s something they didn’t have to do, but they did. Why doesn’t that get out? Why doesn’t that generate rumors? Because nobody cares if a musician does something nice.

People like to point fingers, judge, laugh, and basically pat themselves on the back. And while that’s essentially exactly what I’m doing on Dose Of Metal, I’m just realizing that I’m no better than any of you. FUCK!



Is this the new Nu Metal?

The premise of Nu Metal always seemed like a good idea on paper. However, when put into practice, the results were not brilliant. A lot of metalheads took offense to the borrowing of the term ‘Metal’ for music which is actually closer to the Rock genre and well, the music also sucked, let’s be honest. Whiny middle class white kids, with minimal talent, rapping with an incompetent flow about how much their lives suck, backed by horrendous instrumentals.

Above is a different take on the genre though. The band Hacktivist have taken music that is closer to the sounds of artists like Tesseract, Meshuggah and Between the Buried and Me and have decided to rap over it. Nu-Djent? Progressive New Nu Metal, with actual Metal? Yeah, I have no idea what kind of labels kids are slapping on this stuff, but it’s a lot better than half the bands I listened to in school (*cough* Papa Roach, Limp Bizkit).

So, will I listen to Hacktivist again? Perhaps not, as I prefer my vocals to either be screaming or singing, but I still find it interesting the different styles and approaches that people are taking with music. And if you think the band are bad, I dare you to try and listen to the new Linkin Park album. I know which I would rather listen to….


So the world didn’t end :(


I have to admit, I was kinda rooting for the apocalypse theory. Not that I’m depressed or anything, but I do hate a lot of people, so I’d give my life if it meant everyone else would go down with me.

But that didn’t happen, so I guess we still have to live in this dirty and polluted world and pretend we don’t hate all the assholes around us.

On that positive note, happy new year, motherfuckers! I know we haven’t been writing much, but we were hoping the apocalypse would show its fat face.

Happy holidays!




We haven’t had a post here since October, and this is really not our fault. It’s not easy being a slob, you know? Being lazy takes a lot of talent and dedication, so next time you accuse any of us for not writing on this site, at least learn to appreciate how hard it is to be as bad as us.

Having said that, I had to jump on the 12/12/12 bandwagon and acknowledge this kickass date. The last time we’ll have such a nice date. Sure, we’ll have 11/12/13 next year, but it’s not gonna be the same.

Will the world end this year? God, I hope so. I really do. Unfortunately I’m not 6, so I can’t believe in superstitious crap like the horoscope, religion, prophecies about the apocalypse, Dave Mustaine being over the Metallica feud, those kinds of things. So no, it won’t happen. But do I want it to happen? Hell yes.


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