Category Archives: Rants

Our shitty rants


Anthrax – Always fighting

In December of 2007, it was announced that Dan Nelson, former vocalist of Devilsize and Inside Hollow, would be the new singer for Anthrax, after the departure of Joey Belladonna and John Bush respectively.

Nelsonthrax started writing the follow-up to We’ve Come For You All — which was ironically called a comeback album — in 2008.

Worship Music is not only the first Anthrax album since 2003, it’s an album that was written three years ago with Dan Nelson (who also wrote a bunch of the music) on vocals and was then completely re-recorded with Joey Belladonna.

Make the jump to read me ranting about one of my favorite bands, their upcoming album Worship Music and their recent online release ‘Fight ‘Em ‘Til You Can’t.’


Metal Kino: Anakonda Im Netz

In the past couple of years, it became popular to shoot documentaries, as well as biographical feature films (i.e. Walk The Line, Ray etc.), about musicians. And it doesn’t stop with Metal. Documentaries about music genres or specific bands are more popular than ever before, so I thought it would be a good idea to start recommenting metal documentaries that are worth a watch right here at Dose of Metal.

We’re starting the first edition of Metal Kino (Kino is German for cinema, get it?) fittingly with a German band: Who else but Rammstein? The band released a documentary called Anakonda Im Netz (= Anaconda In The Net) with their Live DVD Völkerball in 2006.

I couldn’t find a trailer for the documentary but the video above is also taken from Völkerball, a performance of ‘Reise, Reise,’ which also appears in the documentary.

The thing that impressed me the most about this documentary is that each of the bandmembers, especially the surprisingly soft-spoken Till Lindemann, seem to be extremely laid back, down to earth and just overall very nice. Coupled with their exemplary work ethnic (a typical German stereotype) and interesting stories from the road, this 60-minute film gives a nice view into the world of Rammstein.

A story of fire, fishing and heavy music, you can view Anakonda Im Netz after the jump. The film is in German with English subtitles.


Metal art

When Dose of Metal asked me to do a regular guest column, I was sort of at a loss. On one hand, I love to write (even though I’m a much better artist than writer), but I was having a really hard time trying to decide what to talk about. I don’t particularly have any earth-shattering opinions on metal, I don’t have a band, and I’m also not a writer for and I really don’t have the time to research bizarre factoids and top 10 lists. So really, the only solution that I could think of that I know something about is art; heavy metal art specifically.

It’s not an industry that I am a seasoned veteran of, but I have been a professional artist in some capacity for about 11 years now. I remember what it was like to be 15 years old and see my favorite album cover, book, or comic and say to myself “I want to do that more than anything in the world”. So what I will talk about from here on out will most likely be less about “What’s your favorite metal album cover of all time?” and more about “How the hell do I get in touch with a band?” or “No one is writing me back! Does my portfolio suck?”. So if you are an artist aspiring to be in the heavy metal album cover industry (or maybe even not so specifically heavy metal, but any art industry), I think you will enjoy this column.

For my introductory article, I am going to start fairly simple and show you a little bit about who I am and how I approach a painting. And let’s get something straight here; yes, I am a digital painter. No, there is nothing wrong with that. There is a bad rap for digital artists that I see out there sometimes and it’s all bullshit. Someone who is lazy in Photoshop would be just as lazy with real paint. Photoshop (or any other program) is just another tool and in the hands of an experienced artist, he or she should be able to create something with the same amount of emotion as real paint. In a later article I will touch on this more, but for now let’s get to the art… After the jump.


Future rockstar!

Remember my ‘Young kids and instrument’ bits where I raised my self-esteem by making fun of kids who played instruments badly even though I couldn’t play them at all when I was their age? No? Well maybe this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this will refresh your memory.

You might ask why I stopped doing it though. Well, I frankly got bored of searching for children videos on YouTube, plus it made me feel like a creep…

But the video above is of a kid I personally think is going places… Now, the music industry is kind of like a lottery, if by playing the lottery you needed to know someone in the business and maybe suck a dick or two… So I can’t guarantee that this kid will make it big anytime soon, nor can I gauge his writing talent. But he’s a performer. Watch him nail that RATM song. The solo is sloppy but hey, I’ll let it slide this time.

He’s so good people actually think the video is fake. There’s another video of him playing Crazy Train and unlike this kid, he actually doesn’t butcher it completely. Watch it after the jump.


You need more Sabbra Cadabra in your life…

I love this cover, it’s probably my favorite Garage, Inc. song next to Whiskey In The Jar. There’s something about Metallica’s guitar tone playing Sabbath riffs that just does it for me. It’s like Megan Fox licking sour cream off a 20 year old Pamela Anderson. Just a match made in heaven.

Many people might disapprove of the ‘interlude’ of ‘A National Acrobat’ in the mix but I honestly like it, especially as that interlude ends and the main Sabbra riffs kicks in.

This is a great track so it’s exactly what you need this Sunday. Bitches.

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