Category Archives: Rants
Bands I’ve somehow missed out on
Sometimes I’m so busy listening to the 5 bands I like (Pantera, Pantera, Pantera, Pantera, Machine Head), that I just miss out on new bands, so I decided to go out of my way and just listen to some random bands I’ve never heard of before.
I’ve listened to four bands that I’ve never heard of before and one band stood out, ‘The Absence.’ I’ve listened to their album ‘Riders Of The Plague’ and holy shit, it’s awesome. Do yourself a favor and listen to the song below.
What else did I miss out on? If you know a band, that hasn’t been covered on a lot of metal blogs etc., and they kick serious ass, tell me about them! I’m just a fan and I love to hear about new bands.
Some facts for Sunday
Sit down, it’s time for Sunday school. I know what you’re thinking, you’re tired, hungover, dreading the thought of work tomorrow, and what you really want, is to be bombarded with bullshit facts from your favorite Metal site. Well consider it your lucky day then.
Fact #1 – 666 isn’t the number of the beast, 616 is. Wikipedia doesn’t lie kids. So next time you’re singing along to The Number of the Beast by Iron Maiden, make sure you alter the lyrics accordingly. Same applies to Slipknot‘s Heretic Anthem.
Fact #2 – Korn can change their sound as much as they like, they’re still going to suck.
Fact #3 –Duff Mckagan isn’t rolling in cash.
Fact #4 – I’m awesome.
Fact #5 – Dose of Metal is perhaps the greatest independent Metal site on the whole of the internet. *
That’s it for today, stay tuned to Dose of Metal for more amazing posts like this, and much more.
* N.B. Some of these facts may not be facts in the conventional sense, they are more like lies. Factual lies.
O Canada, we stand on guard for metal
Sweden, Germany, England and Finland. Four countries that are known for releasing mega metal acts over the years. Heck, even the U.S. have produced quality metal. What about Canada, though? Besides Strapping Young Lad, you don’t really hear too much Canadian metal. So, that’s why I’m here! To provide you with 5 awesome Canuck bands.
Make the jump to see the list.
Metal goes acoustic: Six is six too many
So welcome to the sixth edition of my ‘Metal goes acoustic.’ Keeping things serious, this time I’m posting a cover of an Amon Amarth track. Regular readers of Dose of Metal will know we absolutely love Amon Amarth here, so how does their music fare in an acoustic version?
The track in question is God of War Arise. The original is excellent, but I feel this is a perfect example to show that not all songs can work acoustically. The person playing the cover does a fantastic job, and his playing is near flawless, however I can’t help feeling it just doesn’t work well on acoustic. Overall, Amon Amarth needs some distortion and power to their sound, and that’s what is lost in this cover. It’s a bit like having sex and never climaxing.
Gods of war arise
Metal goes acoustic: The Fifth
So in case it wasn’t painfully obvious, my last couple of “Metal goes acoustic” posts were jokes. So if you’re one of the many that thought they were lame and unfunny, you can rejoice in the fact the fifth edition will be a serious one.
This time, I’m posting an acoustic cover of Black Sabbath‘s Planet Caravan. The original was acoustic too, so there’s nothing more original than posting an acoustic cover of an already acoustic song is there? Yeah, you can tell I’m running out of ideas here. The performer however gets bonus points for his nice vocals that accompany the track. Plus the video is nice and clear, and so is the audio, so that’s a nice change from the fuzzy picture and distorted sound you get with many Youtube videos.