Category Archives: Rants

Our shitty rants


That’s not Metal!

Two bears have an intelligent and well-informed debate regarding whether Bring Me The Horizon are Metal or not.

That’s all well and good, of course, but who gives a shit about Bring Me The Horizon? I’m just still waiting for the Metallica edition. I’ll be honest though, I only posted this because the bear in the gimp S&M outfit turns me on.

Source: Metal Hammer


Dose of – Heaven Shall Burn

Who are Heaven Shall Burn? I hear you cry. Only one of the finest Metal bands to come out of Germany in recent years, combining an aggressive, yet melodic sound that succeeds in standing out from the many other Melodic Death Metal and Metalcore bands of the last decade.

Once again, here I am saving you the 5 minutes it would take to Google the band, by posting my five top songs right after the jump. And by 5 top songs, I mean 5 random songs that kick major ass, as I’m way too lazy to actually think deeply about what my 5 favorite HSB songs. Regardless, Get on it after the wall of death. By which, I mean hurry up and click “continue reading.”


Friday Top 10: Best live albums

What’s better than listening to your favorite album by your favorite band? Seeing your favorite band live. And what’s better than spending your day watching midget porn? Nothing… uh… I wanted to go somewhere with this… oh yeah! What happens when you combine the first question with the first answer? Not listening to your iPod while you’re at a concert, you dumbass, listening to your favorite band’s live album!

You know why metal bands are the best live performers? Because others aren’t metal. So now I’m listing the best fucking live albums… like… EVER!

Make the jump, you fool!


Don’t listen to Metallica and drive

Here is a clip from Romania with a Metallica fan too busy listening to Master of Puppets to notice the large SUV cutting him off. Shit happens, I guess.

I don’t know who was behind the wheel but I assume it was Dracula.

Don’t worry, both drivers are fine and have no injuries. I hope they learned their lesson: When driving, only listen to Pantera.

Source: TraficTube


Dose of Love

So tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and you know what that means? That’s right, it’s the day I get to watch porn all by myself, all day. Wait… I do that every day.

So ok, Valentine’s day kind of sucks. If you’re single, you get it completely rubbed in your face all day long. If you’re in a relationship, you’re expected to actually pull of some fantastic shit to impress your partner, when actually, you’d rather be down the pub getting drunk with your mates. And then there’s the problems of when you’re in a relationship, but you’re not quite at that stage yet where you know what you to do for Valentine’s day. Do you just do nothing? Send a card? All go all out?

Fuck off, who cares? All I know if I love listening to some fantastic Metal music, regardless of what day it is. So let’s have some slightly Valentine’s day inspired Metal doses today. Don’t worry, you’re not going to get any Linkin Park crap here, I’m still going to be offering some real Metal, it’s just Metal songs about love.

Find out what I mean after the jump. You know you need your Metal dosage.

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