Category Archives: Rants

Our shitty rants


The main difference between Black and Death Metal is…

Black Metal and Death Metal. Two of the most prominent Extreme Metal genres (the most prominent being Thrash Metal), which both still haven’t been properly introduced to the mainstream audience.

To most non-metalheads Black and Death Metal are probably the same but there are lots of differences between these two. I’m not talking about church burnings and murders, or self-mutilating and wishing for everyone to committ suicide. I’m also not talking about the actual music, which is way different though. Just listen to Immortal and then listen to Cannibal Corpse and tell me they sound the same.

In my opinion, the main difference between Black and Death Metal is… (make the jump)


30 years of Roadrunner Records

As we mentioned the other week, Roadrunner Records has now been fully acquired by Warner Music Group. Whether this is a bad thing or not remains to be seen, but I’m fairly sceptical. With this in mind, and with the label being 30 years old, now seems like a better time than any to have a look back at the company, its formation and how it grew into one of, if not, the biggest Metal label today. It also happens to be one of the most controversial Metal labels, depending on who you talk to…

Read on after the jump.


Pain is inspiration (A shining view on Black Metal)

Recently, while looking for “new” music for me to discover, I came across Shining, a Swedish Black Metal band. Black Metal from Scandinavia, that’s not too exciting now, is it? No yet but read on. I mainly checked them out because according to several sources, one of their main influences was Strid, a band I covered, among others, just yesterday in an article.

Strid are commonly recognised as the creators of Depressive Black Metal and Shining take that even further. How? Read on after the jump for stories about self-mutilation, hoping for people to committ suicide and more (most probably not safe for work).


Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before Vol. 4

Time for another edition of BO… SY(P)NHOB. Catchy title, eh?

You should know the deal by now but in case you don’t, I’m telling you again. Because I can. And because you’re reading anyhow. See?

So, I’m abusing my Internet super powers to tell the world about unknown bands, that I think are worth checking out. This is just the first step of my masterplan, which is to make the world more metal. A world made of metal. A sea made of steel. A sky made of iron. I have a dream.

Make the jump to make the world just a little bit better.


Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before Vol. 3

It’s the third day in a row that I’m bringing you metal acts you haven’t heard of before.

In numero uno and dos, I mainly showed you bands that aren’t active anymore (with the noteable exceptions of Wulfgar and Necroid) but this time I want to bring you closer to some bands that haven’t formed too long ago and aren’t being covered on the main metalsites I know, be it because they’re not signed to a big label or whatever.

Let’s just get right into it after the jump.

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