Category Archives: Rants

Our shitty rants


Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before Vol. 2

Everything successful needs a second part, which is almost always worse than the first part but someone just needs to cash in.

Here’s the problem: I’m not getting paid for this, therefore I don’t do this because of cashing in but honest interest though. And this is why we’re not getting worse here, it only gets better.

If you haven’t read the first part of me covering unknown metal acts, well, shoot yourself or just go and read it now. And then come back and read this one. And then read the rest of the site. And come back daily. And tell your friends about us. And your grandma.

Just make the fucking jump already.


Best of… shit you've (probably) never heard of before

Who likes to find new music? One benefit of being a metalhead is that there are literally millions of bands out there to discover.

You want some Melodic Death from the mid-90’s? No problem. Thrash from the late-90’s? No problem. Brutal Death from the early-00’s? No fucking problem. It’s out there, just dig deep enough.

One portal that helped me discover “new” (not necessarily new in general but new to me) bands is Metal Archives. They basically cover every metal band that ever fucking played. No shit.

I’m going to give you a quick rundown of bands, that are fairly unknown but still pretty fucking sweet, after the jump.

Jump! Jump! Jump! Everybody jump!


Does popularity kill trueness?

There’s one thing metalheads don’t get sick off arguing about and that is, is Band X metal? And are they more metal than Band Y? And what about Band Z? They sure lost steam after their first Demo, right?

Read some more babbling after the jump.


"Religious" groups at it again…

Honestly, I’m as tolerant as the next man, but what I do not like is these holier-than-thou, hypocritical religious groups that feel the need to push their beliefs onto everyone else. These groups are anything but tolerant, understanding or accepting, and the only thing they breed, is hatred and ridiculous out-dated idologies. And then they give the tolerant and liberal religous people a bad name.

What have they been up to this time? Well, according to Metal Obsession, an Australian-based religious group on Facebook has successfully protested against the running of a Black Metal mini-festival, dubbed “Black Mass” on the grounds that it promotes “Satanism.”

This is fascism and a disgrace. Now please excuse me while I go and pray to my Lord Satan to smite these parasites \m/


Piano Metal

Keys make everything sound better, agree? Heh, who the heck cares about what you think. I love the sound of a piano and how nicely it works with metal.

See Be’lakor’s ‘Paths,’ Debauchery’s ‘Take my Pain,’ (Double Bass Drums + Strings + Piano = Instant orgasm)  or Haggard’s ‘Awaking the Centuries’ for great metal songs, of three different sub-genres by the way, that include the piano.

That’s not what I’m talking about though when I say Piano Metal. What I mean is metal songs covered on a piano. YouTube is plastered with covers but certain covers really do it for me and actually at times make the cover sound better than the original. Make the jump to catch a couple of Piano Metal covers that I, personally, really enjoy.

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