Category Archives: Rants

Our shitty rants


Dave Navarro: Eco-terrorist

Is low IQ contagious? Because it seems Dave Navarro caught some from his ex-wife Carmen Electra, and joined the “noble” cause of PETA. He will be honored on their 30th Anniversary Gala and Humanitarian Awards, just like many hypocrite celebrities before who’ve used this to boost their damaged careers. Well, we hope he gets treated like the animals PETA saves.

He also (very vaguely) tried to explain what’s going on with his band Jane’s Addiction, which for years now seems to be stuck in a cycle of breaking up, reforming, changing line-ups, and not releasing any music. You can read about it here.

And, if you’re feeling particularly brave today, make the jump and see the meaningful and tastefully done PETA promo poster with Navarro himself. Be warned because it’s neither of the two.


Remember Anthrax on Married With Children?

I’ve been on a big “Married With Children” kick as of late, watching a ridiculous amount of episodes.  I have many favourite  classic moments, but one that always comes to mind immediately, is when 80s thrash heads, “Anthrax,” were on the show.

If you haven’t seen that episode and want a brief explanation on it or just want to watch the 8 minute clip with Anthrax, then read on after the jump.


Bruce Dickinson tries to justify new setlist

Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden tried to justify Maiden‘s setlist, that contains mostly new work, in a recent interview.

“[New fans] aren’t interested in nostalgia. They want new stuff and they want exciting stuff.” he said.

“Bullshit” I say, Bruce Bruce. Iron Maiden has a backing catalogue of 15 albums and by playing mostly only songs of the last 4 albums, you’re cheating your fans out of 11 albums of great material. I’d rather listen to the first 5 albums on repeat for the rest of my life than to listen to a whole song of your new album. Plus nostalgia is what bought you that plane in the first place. You know what plane I’m talking about captain Brucie.

In other news, Dick-in-son sounds like a pedophile’s internet pseudonym.


Incoming: Aliases

For fans of:  Sikth / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Protest the Hero / Between the Buried and Me

If ever a band could be criticized for ending too early, Sikth have to be the worst offender.  Releasing two albums in their career, The Trees Are Dead & Dried Out Wait for Something Wild (yes, stupidly long title) and Death of a Dead Day, Sikth were way ahead of their time playing a blend of Progressive Math-Metal and Hardcore, now mimicked by a huge swarm of bands today.  Both albums were released to universal acclaim, but alas, it was not to be, and in 2007 both vocalists (yup, they had two, they’re just that damn cool huh?) left the band.  The band decided to disband a year later after failing to find replacements.

All that aside, it’s time for a new chapter, and ex guitarist Pin (That’s his name? Yeah, don’t ask me) is back with a new band called Aliases, starting where Sikth left off.  The first track from the band, We Should Never Have Met, is a perfect blend of Metal brutality, displaying great promise for future music from the band.  I for one cannot wait to hear more music.  Bring on the album!

Stream and Download their first song here!

Read on for more infomation.

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