Category Archives: Reviews


Spotlight: Dibbukim, Auternus, The Heathen Collective

If your audience is as big as the one above, then you really don’t need any more exposure but some bands do need exposure and some of them are extremely talented and even deserve that exposure. I’ve used the word “exposure” pretty often already, huh? Overexposure? Ha, I’m so funny.

So we’re here to give exposure (ha) to talented bands (and some not so talented) because we, at Dose of Metal, just like to support the underground. As cheesy as it may sound, it’s extremely important to keep supporting new metal bands because in 50 years, right after AC/DC retired, we may not have a new AC/DC. So, go to shows of up and coming bands and support them by buying their music and merchandise. It’s only fair.

To get back to my point, we try to do our bit by reviewing albums of “overlooked” bands. Some of those contacted us via our form, some have been submitted by other people. Make the jump to do your bit, by reading and then listening to those bands.


Review: Tesseract – One

Photo by Kristell Gathoye

A Tesseract is some sort of shape or something (yeah, I do my research!), but this particular review is of a certain Djent band’s debut album, not some mathematical shit. Don’t know what Djent is? Don’t worry; we’ve already got that covered. Don’t know who Tesseract are? Don’t worry; we’ve also got that covered too. We’re just awesome like that.

The band’s debut album, called One, has been released through Century Media Records, and it’s a bit of an odd one, and not just because it’s Progressive and weird (although it is BTW). It’s a weird one (no pun intended – you know, ‘cause the album is called One and all) because it turns out that the bulk of the album is actually made up of the band’s previously released Concealing Fate EP, released some time last year.  Then there are 5 new tracks, and by new, I mean most of those are just re-recorded songs that have been heard before in some form or another. I think only one or two songs are completely new. That’s ok though, because the band are still relatively new (At least to most people) and this is their debut, so I’ll let them off.

Make the jump for the review.


Review: The Haunted – Unseen

A while back I was moaning that I couldn’t find The Haunted’s latest album Unseen in my local CD store. Well, a few weeks have gone by and I finally spotted it in another shop and thought why not pick it up? So that’s exactly what I did. After letting the album sink in a bit, it’s time to pen my review of the album.

Since the release of 2006’s The Dead Eye, the band have been facing continuous criticism from both fans and critics alike, and 5 years later, 2011’s Unseen is no different. This is the band sticking up their middle fingers to those that criticize, and actually delving deeper down the less thrashy, and more “experimental” and melodic path they began with The Dead Eye. It was obvious that this would be the case, as frontman Peter Dolving has repeatedly stated that he doesn’t give a fuck what people think, and that The Haunted would continue down this route regardless. In a sense, it’s almost quite commendable of the band, although it leaves Dose of Metal in a tricky spot. I mean, as a site we dislike anything that isn’t Metal, and The Haunted are barely Metal anymore. Yet we also love to stick our middle fingers to the critics and stick to our guns, and I can’t help but praise The Haunted for the same.

That’s enough rambling for now though; make the jump instead to read the review.


Blast from the Past: Inside Hollow – The Lazarus Pit

By now, you should have already noticed that I’m a fan of Dan Nelson and I’m proud to say that Dan is a friend of this site. You will find out more about that soon on your favorite site on the net, Dose of Metal.

Sadly, there’s not much of his work available on the net, or anywhere else for that matter. The closest thing to an album, that you can find anywhere, is Inside Hollow’s album from 2006, called ‘The Lazarus Pit.’ I’m not sure you can call it an album though. Judging from its’ lenght, I’d say it’s an EP. Check it out for yourself, because you can listen to it in its’ entirety on MySpace.

I’ve been listening to said album for the past two days, pretty much non-stop. Check out what I think of ‘The Lazarus Pit’ after the jump.


Spotlight: Titans Eve, Yggdrasil, Wormrot

You don’t want to be in the spotlight when these guys above are after you but other people deserve to be in the spotlight and that’s why we’re reviewing albums by artists who contacted us via our ‘Your Band’ form. Are you in a band? Do you want to be featured on our site? Click the link and contact us.

Not all artists, featured in the spotlight category, contacted us themselves. Some albums were sent to us via their label or PR agents but that doesn’t lessen your chance. We don’t care who writes to us, we will listen to everything with an open ear. Sometimes even with two.

This week, one album was listenable, one album blew me away and one album surprised me. Make the jump to find out which of these statements fit which band.

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