Category Archives: Spotlight


Got a few minutes?

Observant readers of DoM may notice that I kind of bum Sikth; an awesome (well, in my opinion) Math-Metal band that sadly disbanded far too early. So of course I’ve been keeping my eye on what the guys have been doing since. Guitarist Pin obviously went on to recently form a new band, known as Aliases, which are very much a similar sort of band to Sikth.

And now, vocalist Justin Hill and guitarist Dan Weller have started their own band, known as Minutes. The band have one song available via their Myspace, check it out here.

I was actually expecting another similar band, but Minutes aren’t even Metal. They’re kind of straight catchy rock from the sounds of it. Check ’em out and see what you think.


Interview: DEF-CON-ONE

I recently was contacted by a band known as DEF-CON-ONE. Hailing from the North-East of England (Also known as the most badass part of the country), DEF-CON-ONE may (from their name) sound like a Nu-Metal band to those quick to judge, but those that take the time to check out the band, will find one of THE bands you need to watch out for in 2011.

Although DEF-CON-ONE took me away from my porn browsing habits, I can forgive them, as instead of having a self-induced orgasm, I was offered a full-on Metal eargasm. It was definitely worth the time. Hell, as soon as I heard that Antton of Venom was involved, I just had to check these guys out.

For those of you out there that haven’t heard the band before, they play a very groove oriented form of Thrash Metal (well, at least that’s my opinion). They actually remind me very much of an old-school Burn My Eyes era Machine Head, but with a heavy Pantera influence. Unlike many unsigned bands though, DEF-CON-ONE don’t rely too heavily on their influences and have developed their own sound incredibly well.

All four of the guys were kind enough to answer some of my questions, so check out my interview after the jump. You won’t be disappointed!


Interview & Review: Nuclear


If you don’t already know, Nuclear are a thrash metal band from Chile. I was fortunate enough to give their new album Jehovirus a listen (and one more, and one after that), and do a quick interview with Matias (vocals) and Francisco (guitars), read it after the jump.


Spotlight: Mordax

Mordax are a band from Copenhagen, Denmark. You know, the city that gave us Lars Ulrich, amongst other things? But unlike Lars, not only will they not sue you if you download their album, they’ll actually give it to you themselves… For free. Get it here!

They’re a pretty decent band and you should stop listening to Linkin Park or Serj and start giving these guys a chance.

You can hear their shit on their MySpace page and you can read a interview with them, after the jump.


Who are Battlesoul?

Do you like Tyr?  How about Fintroll and Turisas?

If so, you should check out a little band from London, Canada named Battlesoul.

Link to the bands MySpace after the jump!

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