Category Archives: Videos


The most awkward interview ever

You know, when news was out that Megadeth’s new album is called 13, this interview was shown on many sources because Dave explains the meaning of 13 to him (13th album, he was 13 when he started playing guitar, that sort of thing).

But watch the whole thing and see how cringe-worthy it is. Every question is asked in a very awkward way and Dave answers it even more awkwardly. It’s such a mess.

I don’t know if Dave simply didn’t like the questions or just misunderstood some words because of the guy’s thick Scottish accent, but man oh man, it was hard to watch. The questions weren’t stellar, either. It’s like all the perfect ingredients came together to create the ultimate embarrassing interview.

Credit goes to, although I wouldn’t brag about being behind that video if I were them.


Random dose of metal: Anthrax

It’s not often that I see a video that is both intentionally and unintentionally funny. ‘Madhouse’ definitely fits in both categories.

Obviously meant to be humorous, the video features ridiculous scenes which are kinda funny, in a ‘ain’t that silly? lol’ kind of way.

But there’s nothing making me laugh more than the image of Scott Ian with more hair on his head than on his chin. Or the super high-tech intro.

How do those cabinets appear there? It’s MAGIC. It’s not like they turned the camera off, added another one, turned it back on and so forth. They probably had ILM working on it or some shiz.


Crappy fan footage of Slipknot ain’t that crappy

It’s no secret that I hate fan footage from gigs. First of all, you’re there to see the band live. Put the camera down and fucking see them. That’s why you paid for the ticket, right?

Secondly, most of it is filmed with cellphones and it gets shaky as shit. Even HD footage sucks. I’d rather not see it than have to sit through that shaky pile of shit.

But this Slipknot video is pretty well filmed, all things considered. In Soviet Russia, concert films you.

More not-that-crappy vids from the gig, after the jump.


Yes! Pantera! YEAH! YEAH!

I don’t really like it when classic shows get revived (look what happened to Family Guy), but I’m really excited about “Beavis and Butt-head” coming back.

I know I’ve posted that very same video in the original news post about this but hey, it’s funny and today is a slow news day. Deal with it.


Crappy amateur footage of Dream Theater

Dream Theater have a new drummer. The old one left.

Want to hear what they sound like with their new guy? Tough luck, the sound on the video above is very shitty. Atrocious even.

But it does mark the second time this band played with Mike Mangini so turn the volume down and try to watch it without getting motion sickness.

I hate cellphone videos.

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