Category Archives: Videos


Back when they were still good: Mudvayne

Now they sound like this. ‘Nuff said.


Back when they were still good



Video of this Week: Týr

Týr own. Their album from 2009, ‘By The Light Of The Northern Star,’ is my personal favorite album of 2009. This is Folk Metal, the way I love it.

Týr are actually the most popular and successful band ever in their homecountry, the Faroe Islands. Now, that’s pretty impressive, right? Especially for a metal band. But you have to take into consideration that the Faroe Islands only have a population of about 50,000. My hometown has a bigger population. Hell, even Aruba has a bigger population.

But all that doesn’t really matter and take away anything of their success. They deserve it too, because they’re awesome. So is the music video for ‘Hold The Heathen Hammer High.’ I mean, these guys are vikings, sailing and preparing for a great battle and once they arrive on the shore, they fight… a wooden cross. What the hell? Well, at least it’s a great song.


Video of last Week: Six Feet Under

Somehow, I forgot to post a Video of the Week last week and I just noticed now. So it’s only fair to post two videos in a row, right? Right. So last week’s Video of the Week is Six Feet Under’s ‘The Day The Dead Walked.’

Why? Because it owns, fuck you. And ever since I watched SFU rip earlier this month, I’ve been hooked again. I remember playing this video non-stop when I first got introduced to Six Feet a couple of years ago. It’s still cheesy as fuck but I love it.


Young kids and instruments

If there is a Southern Rock jail, this kid is going to it. He butchers a classic Lynyrd Skynyrd song with one of the worst bottleneck guitar I’ve ever heard.

You’re probably wondering if the solo is just as bad… You betcha. He has the original song in the background, so that helps him hide some of the sloppiness, but it’s still a mess.

This is a 10 minute long torture. My ears!!!

My rating:

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