Category Archives: Videos


Young kids and instruments

There is so much fail in this video, I don’t even know where to begin.

First of all, don’t do monologues if you can’t form a coherent sentence. If you’re camera shy, just start the damn song. But don’t do it, unless you can actually play guitar.


My rating:


Metal goes acoustic 2

Some of you regular readers may remember a week or so back I wrote a post called Metal goes acoustic. You should also remember that it was fucking awesome.

Now, because everything good comes in twos (my testicles, Katy Perry’s boobs, and so on), I’m back with part two. What does part two involve? Well, once again it’s a Youtube user called and it’s another Machine Head song that has been covered acoustically. This time, the song is A Farewell to Arms taken from The Blackening album. The song is over 10 minutes long, so I hope you can take a 10 minute break from Facebook or Porn or whatever you’re doing to check out this great cover. You won’t regret it.


Young kids and instruments

Wow. Really? No timing whatsoever and he actually misses the cymbals. It’s not even worthy of my time.


My rating:


Video of the Week: Asesino

A couple of masked Mexicans, what could this be? Lucha Libre Wrestling? No, Tony Campos (vocals and bass), former bassist of Static-X, Dino Cazares (guitars), of Fear Factory, and Emilio Márquez (drummer), formerly of Possessed, form Asesino. A Deathgrind band that simply kicks ass.

Cazares used to play with Brujeria and when he left the band, he started Asesino, a band in the same vein. As in Brujeria, all members of Asesino use pseudonyms, Cazares is Asesino, as he was in Brujeria, Campos is Maldito X and Márquez is Sadístico and featured on this song is none other than El Odio… who? Jamey Jasta of Hatebreed. He’s not in the video but he sings backing vocals on the song above, ‘Regresando Odio’. Enjoy.


Young kids and instruments

I’ve never heard such awful playing.  Is this supposed to be good? I guess so, since the title of the clip says ‘future star.’

I don’t even recognize the song. Or maybe it’s just an improv? Either way, it reminds me of this clip, only that guy kinda knew what he was doing.

My rating:

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